Gender identityrefers to a person’s innermost concept of themselves as male, female, non-binary, agender, and a diversity of identities that can be the same or different from one’s physical sex [97]. Indeed, gender identity is not always binary (girl/woman, boy/man) or fixed [98]. ...
The human embryonic kidney cell line (HEK293), skin fibroblasts (BJ), adipocytes (3 T3-L1), T lymphoblasts (Human Jurkat T-cells; source: male T lymphoblast), endothelial cell line (HUEVC; source: the endothelium of veins from the umbilical cord), human clear cell subtype ovarian cancer...
The UCSC genome browser database: update 2006. Nucleic Acids Res. 2006;34:D590–598. CAS PubMed Google Scholar Rubinacci S, Ribeiro DM, Hofmeister RJ, Delaneau O. Publisher Correction: Efficient phasing and imputation of low-coverage sequencing data using large reference panels. Nat Genet. ...
The SNPs were recalled for 461B. longumgenomes (including 147 newly sequenced strains and 314 publicly available genomes, as shown in TablesS1andS2separately) by mapping the assemblies against the reference genome (B. longumNCC 2705) using MUMmer [51], as previously described [50], and only b...
digital paint & roto department supervisor: BaseFX David Conley ... visual effects executive producer: Weta Digital Benjamin Conner ... stereo supervisor: southbay Brigid Connor ... Body Motion Production Co-ordinator Vernessa Cook ... motion editor Shane Cooper ... senior r&d engineer ...
Magnifications are shown in the bottom panels, and some cells and the XY body are outlined for reference. Full size image Markers of MSCI on the XY body of dog pachytene spermatocytes In addition to being the earliest known marker of the mouse XY body, γH2AX is required for the ...
that male desire focuses on intercourse and conquest, devoid of emotion and intimacy. Sandberg’s (2016) study found that men described desire in their youth as “hot-blooded” and uncontrollable, focused on erection and ejaculation, and they conceptualized desire as emerging from the body. She ...
Whole-body expression analysis of the pig. A Organ schematic drawing of the pig body, following the established color code. B The 98 tissue types analyzed from the Bama minipig are grouped into 44 grouped tissues, each belonging to one of 14 organ systems. C Circular dendrogram based on War...
The plant bug, Pachypeltis micranthus Mu et Liu (Hemiptera: Miridae), is an effective potential biological control agent for Mikania micrantha H.B.K. (Asteraceae; one of the most notorious invasive weeds worldwide). However, limited knowledge about this
The literature is consensual regarding the academic community exhibiting higher levels of mental disorder prevalence than the general population. The potential of digital mental health apps for improving access to resources to cope with these issues is a