Your Astrology Chart interpretation will tell you the characteristics you were born with. Every Birth Chart and Astrology Report is unique as it depends both on your time and place of Birth. Most Astrological Reports only deal with your Sun Sign or Star Sign - She's a Capricorn or he's a...
Comparisons between datasets were complex due to variable interpretation, sub-branch responses, and variable categorisation, although our review consistently counted only initial branches as distinct variables. The NID data system is coded in REDCap, necessitating a license; however, a transition to ...
The open-ended questions for the peer-mentors were analysed by two coders/researchers from the HE field, using the three steps as described by Dörnyei (2007): data reduction, data display, and data interpretation (Dörnyei, 2007, p245-253). The first three open-ended questions regarding k...
The funding body was not involved in the design of the study, data collection, analysis, and interpretation, as well as in writing the manuscript. Author information Authors and Affiliations Health Policy and Management Research Center, Department of Management and Health Economics Sciences, School ...
(5) in the case of review articles, used systematic search methods and included sex-specific or gender-specific analyses and interpretation. Articles were excluded if they were: (1) review articles using non-systematic search methodology; (2) opinion pieces; (3) editorials; (4) case reports;...
Despite significant declines in under five mortality (U5M) over the last 3 decades, Kenya did not achieve Millennium Development Goal 4 (MDG 4) by 2015. To better understand trends and inequalities in child mortality, analysis of U5M variation at subnati
S B: the acquisition of data AS J: substantial contributions to the conception, design of the work; the acquisition, analysis and interpretation of data. JJ C: the acquisition of data. MT LM: substantial contributions to the conception, design of the work; the acquisition, analysis and ...
interpretation of the data, contributed to the writing of the Results section and revision of the manuscript; RM contributed to writing the Background section and revising the manuscript; MA contributed to writing the Background section and revising the manuscript; PDW conceived and designed the stud...
Several previous growth charts based on size at birth presented their data as completed age, which affects the interpretation and use of a growth chart [12]. The use of completed weeks when plotting a growth chart requires all the measurements to be plotted on the whole week vertical axes. ...
This might be a stretch, but I’m curious if your experience differentiating between the tone and intention of an audiobook versus a print book is something similar to songwriting — a conversation about control and interpretation. Yeah. When I was writing for Madonna, she totally remixed...