备注 在完整恢复模式下,必须在还原读/写文件备份时前滚事务日志,以确保该文件与数据库的其余部分保持一致。 若要避免前滚大量事务日志备份,请考虑使用差异文件备份。 有关详细信息,请参阅差异备份 (SQL Server)。Related Tasks创建文件或文件组备份备份文件和文件组 (SQL Server) SqlBackup (S...
文件备份可以用作差异文件备份的“差异基准”。 有关详细信息,请参阅差异备份 (SQL Server)。 备注 除了在与“差异文件备份”明确进行比较的时候,完整文件备份通常称为文件备份。 本主题内容: 文件备份的优点 相对于数据库备份,文件备份具有如下优点: 使用文件备份使您能够只还原损坏的文件,而不用还原数据库的其余...
When additional transaction log backup is executed, SQL Server remembers the last backup LSN from the previous backup and starts the current backup operation from the next LSN in order. Hence, when a full backup is executed, the last remembered LSN is replaced with a new one and the backup ...
The simplest kind of SQL Server backup is a full database backup. It provides a complete copy of the database but allows restoring the database only to a point-in-time when the backup was made.Even if you add the “WITH STOPAT=<time or log sequence number>” option to restore command...
BACKUPDATABASEAdventureWorksTODISK='C:\AdventureWorks.BAK'GO Copy SQL Server Management Studio Right click on the database name Select Tasks > Backup Select “Full” as the backup type Select “Disk” as the destination Click on “Add…” to add a backup file and type “C:\AdventureWorks.BAK...
When you specify a back up task by using SQL Server Management Studio, you can generate the corresponding Transact-SQLBACKUPscript by clicking theScriptbutton and selecting a script destination. To back up a database After connecting to the appropriate instance of the Microsoft SQL Server Database...
Updated on January 29, 2024 Make your mark Build on top of Better Stack Write a script, app or project on top of Better Stack and share it with the world. Make a public repository and share it with us at our email. community@betterstack.com ...
当状态为LOG_BACKUP时,可能会由于存在活动事务,并不一定收缩成功,收缩操作可能需要多次执行才能成功。 您可前往数据库管理 > 查看详情页面查看日志文件重用状态(log_reuse_wait_desc)。具体操作,请参见查看数据库属性。 收缩完成后,您可前往RDS实例...
(Microsoft doesn't support placing SQL Server databases or full text catalogs on RAM drives or disks, and some users have had spectacular failures using RAM drives.)7. Stop any anti-virus or open file-agent backup softwareIf this isn't possible, try to prevent them from scanning the ...
TO DISK='C:SQL2005_BackupsAutoBackupsAdventureWorks.bak' The script for the differential backup is: BACKUP DATABASE AdventureWorks TO DISK='C:SQL2005_BackupsAutoBackupsAdventureWorksDiff.bak' WITH DIFFERENTIAL, INIT All I can say is, it's a good thing I am testing this out with non-critical...