Very little is known about the nature of the genes controlling sexual determination and the mechanism in dioecious species that triggers the developmental arrest of male or female organs. The aim of this work was to identify in the wild grapevine differentially expressed genes during early flower ...
Automoji Avatar of the Wolf Avenger Bird Aveyoned 4: Shadow of the Mist Awakened Evil AWAY: Journey to the Unexpected Axial Disc 1 Axiom Verge Axiom Verge 2 Axiom Verge Multiverse (Digital) Edition Aztech Forgotten Gods Azure Saga: Pathfinder Azure Striker Gunvolt Azure Str...
Androgens are known to effectively promote inflammation in wound healing (Gilliver et al.2003), and trigger the initiation of pedicle (male secondary sexual characters) growth (Li et al.2003). Therefore, potent androgens, together with the factors enriched in the two activated IL-17 and TNF inf...
trigger sudden mutations across generations, facilitating adaptation to abrupt environmental changes. This, in turn, increases the survival rate in the population of the new colony [20,21,22,23]. The redundant gene copies and heightened genetic diversity resulting from WGD also provide plants with m...
- auto:按需显示(触摸时显示,2s后消失)。 - on:常驻显示。 scrolleffect string spring 否 滑动效果,目前支持如下滑动效果: - spring:弹性物理动效,滑动到边缘后可以根据初始速度或通过触摸事件继续滑动一段距离,松手后回弹。 - fade:渐隐物理动效,滑动到边缘后展示一个波浪形的渐隐,根据速度...
The fhaB gene, which encodes the longest protein (3527 aa) in PXO99A, contains a hemagglutination activity domain and filamentous hemagglutinin repeats that are likely to serve in adhesion and autoaggregation. Two more genes (ORFs 2986 and 2987) are predicted to be involved in bacteriocin ...
The recognition of aphid feeding by tomato receptors triggers the defense reaction through an interplay of different stress-related phytohormones. What is the contribution of JA and SA to plant defenses against aphids, and which of these hormones has the predominant role is not yet clear. Growing...
Due to the global occurrence of multi-drug-resistant malarial parasites (Plasmodium falciparum), the anti-malarial drug most effective against malaria is artemisinin, a natural product (sesquiterpene lactone endoperoxide) extracted from sweet wormwood (A
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In these scenarios, the indole directly triggers a series of signaling cascades that ultimately hinder the progressive growth of advanced prostate cancer cells. For example, p38 kinase and c-JUN N-terminal kinase (JNK) were both activated and directly contributed to melatonin-induced apoptotic death...