This study aimed to identify a consensus Advanced Placement (AP) chemistry exam score among MFT2 institutions, and determine how this value compared against target schools within the State of Alabama. AP Credit Policies for MFT2 institutions and popular destination schools were researched using The ...
To improve the alignment accuracy, we then performed base quality score recalibration (BQSR) and local indel realignment using Genome Analysis Toolkit (GATK) tools [24]. Single-individual gVCFs were generated using the GATK HaplotypeCaller, and batches of 172 gVCFs were merged into a single gVCF ...
Functional effects included the gene damage index (GDI), residual variation intolerance score (RVIS), gene intolerance scores based on the loss of function tool (LoFtool), variant types, and annotations from the OMIM database. We use variant types as features including missense, frameshift, non...
After adjusting for covariates including race, family history of asthma, pregnant smoking, BMI Z-score, energy intake, breast feeding, and low birth weight, we found that for each 1-unit increase in vitamin K consumption, the odds of childhood asthma decreased 0.99 (P=0.028). The overall ...
Gustafsson et al. [51] found the SDQ to be good enough to identify children with ESSENCE symptoms when the symptoms were assessed by preschool staff. The cut-off for behavioural problems in the SDQ differs between screening by parents and by preschool teachers, as parents usually score higher ...
In the RNA-seq of the N2 mutant seeds, the effective and marvelous DEGs and proteins in the co-network were confirmed in the early endosperm development (TableS10). In the total, there are seven genes relative to Sucrose and Starch metabolism in the co-expressed group I (Score_threshold ≥...
Phred scaled sequencing quality score of 30 UMI: Unique molecular identifier P5: Flow cell binding site on the side of the i5 index for Illumina libraries P7: Flow cell binding site on the side of the i7 index for Illumina libraries PCR: Polymerase chain reaction qPCR: Quantitative pol...
The short form of the Face-Name Associative Memory Exam (FNAME-12), developed to detect preclinical and prodromal AD, asks individuals to learn the names and occupations associated with 12 faces. The current work advances this field by using voice recognition and touchscreen response format. The...
and selective mathematics courses as shown in Fig.3. While enrollment rates were gradually increasing, more female students tended to enroll in AP Statistics (the 6-year average difference in the enrollment rate = 0.19%), and more male students tended to enroll in AP Calculus BC (0.18%)...
Performance was summarized by the medical school as a total overall score. Because students entered the medical school in different years, comparability was ensured by converting all scores to z-scores by year. A-levels were taken by 669 students and scored as the best three grades attained, ...