aThe University of Tasmania's faculty of education describes its agenda as embracing "radical curriculum change in Tasmanian schools by adopting the new Essential Learnings Framework". Ignored is that the framework is full of education jargon and has little academic merit. Melbourne's RMIT adopts al...
The integration of additional biological resources and aggregation of effects across genes and pathways can address these limitations and facilitate the interpretation of GWAS results [9] to understand biological functions [4]. Both multi-omics and pathway analyses can integrate GWAS findings with ...
This interactive session aimed to address inquiries such as the purpose behind specific sections, the appropriateness of questions for evaluating the SNK of Sri Lankan athletes, and the relevance of sub-sections. Participants were also asked about their satisfaction with the clarity and formulation of...
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We believe it is crucial to gather more knowledge about the views held by people with lived experiences and the general public regarding these medications and their effects in order to address this global public health challenge. While some previous studies have investigated the attitudes of professio...
Identifiable data (name, address, phone number, email, sex, date of birth, emergency contact and emergency phone number, neurologist name and neurologist phone number) collected during screening will not leave the study site. Each participant will be given a unique, pseudonymised participant ide...
Present address: Department of Molecular Sciences, Macquarie University, Sydney, New South Wales, 2109, Australia Sabrina Haque Present address: Pegarah, Australia Sarah Brazendale Present address: Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies, University of Tasmania, 20 Castray Esplanade, Battery Point, ...
To address the study aim, we used information on fine-scale dispersal behaviours to model the contribution of scattered trees and small patches for the Karuah-Myall catchments, New South Wales, Australia, for a “general representative species” dependent on native woody vegetation (Lechner et al...
1, intends to maximise the chances of a conclusive genetic diagnosis. Crucially, the study will collect data on the resourcing required to achieve diagnosis to address the translation of such a pipeline to standard clinical diagnostics. Fig. 1 KidGen national kidney genomics program: improving ...
There is growing recognition that the provision of infrastructure must be complemented by initiatives that address community attitudes, knowledge, and capabilities around active transport. These have been referred to in the literature as ‘soft’ or ‘human’ infrastructure, or ‘social interventions’ ...