There are two examples for each VHDL and Verilog shown below. The first contains a simple carry lookahead adder made up of four full adders (it can add together any four-bit inputs). The second example uses agenericthat creates a carry look ahead adder that accepts as an input parameter ...
I am facing this error:vpi error: vpi_get_str(vpiFullName, 0) called with null vpiHandle.with the dumpvars() generate loop within test_multiply.v [phung@archlinux multiply]$ iverilog -o multiply test_multiply.v multiply.v [phung@archlinux multiply]$ vvp multiply VCD info: dumpfile dump....
(string name, uvm_component parent = null);, parent); endfunction endclass module t; env environment; initial begin environment = new("env"); `uvm_info("HELLO_UVM", "Hello world!", UVM_LOW); // TODO Never get a finish if add this: run_test(); $write("*-* ...