Public-access Commercials, That Levenson Made His Dreams Off Opening An Extravagant, Heterosexual Sex Club A Reality. There Were No Inhibitions At Plato's Retreat, As Highlighted By The Numerous Vintage Clips Showing The Swingers Paradise In Its Heyday. But While The City Ultimately Failed In The...
"Fuller House" (viaTV Tropes). Joined by Andrea Barber as DJ's best friend, Kimmy Gibbler, "Fuller House" centered on DJ and Stephanie as adults living together to care for DJ's three sons. Streaming on Netflix, the reboot ran for a total of five ...
This is a collection of author’s articles written with the aim to present developments in modernization of the discipline since mid-1970s (and especially since 1990s), with the focus on its transformation from “ethnology” to “anthropology”. Among the themes are: the debate with Serbian soc...
By the 1970s Reggae had spread from Jamaica and become an international phenomena. Enter Dillinger, who rose up with the El Paso Sound System as part of the second generation of Jamaican toasters. His name came from American gangster John Dillinger at the suggestion of n...
Funicello subsequently starred with heartthrob Frankie Avalon in a series of popular beach party movies in the 1960s. With the exception of her popular Skippy peanut butter commercials, Funicello retired from the entertainment world after getting married at the age of 22. Stricken with multiple ...
m sliding into a 1970s reverie, looking at strangers and exchanging with them the head nod of recognition, which involves the slightest tilt of the chin upward. The Lower East Side head nod is a vestige of yesteryear. Its unspoken message was, “You know I belong here and I know you ...
I treasure a silly 1970s Christmas snapshot of her. She’s laughing, holding a recently opened joke gift from my mom: a giant bottle of Excedrin. Though it wasn’t really a joke, because Mom knew Grandma would use all those pills. She took Excedrin at a pretty decent clip. Shortly ...
Back in the 1970s, the first major phase of FDI into the food supply chain focused on producing raw commodities for export, as TFCs such as Cargill and Bunge invested abroad in oilcrops and cereals for export. In the 1980s, as liberalization accelerated, FDI began to shift away from raw...