//@Dr罗的Fujiya牛奶糖:摘两句: 对性别的禁忌越少,人类的潜能与生活才能越加开放和自由,相反的,性别的定型越深,社会的压制越多,便会造就无穷的异化、扭曲,甚至悲剧。 “性别”的设定指向“人”的价值界定,一旦性别或性向出了问题,连带作为人的基本存在也会受到质疑。
As a result, FUJIYA is known as the top brand-name in the fields of pliers and nippers, in both domestic and overseas markets. IDENTITY HISTORY CRAFTSMANSHIP The 'top maker'that is supported by professionals in the Japanese market FUJIYA is the top manufacturer that leads the industry in the...
LONG NOSE PLIERSThese pliers are the most suitable for assembly, repair and disassembly of electronics and other precision equipment. With their strong tips, in particular, the pliers show outstanding durability for holding and bending operations. Diversified products are available, according to applicati...