藤森的全名为「阿尔贝托.谦也.藤森.井元」(Alberto Kenya Fujimori Inomoto),在英语系的称呼里多半直接称为Fujimori(即日文的「藤森」),或称Alberto Fujimori。在日语中则多用藤森的片假名:フジモリ(即Fujimori)来称呼;其日文名是「藤森谦也」。日裔秘鲁人的藤森,双亲是1934年从日本熊本县移居秘鲁。1...
阿尔韦托·谦也·藤森·藤森(西班牙语:Alberto Kenya Fujimori Fujimori,日语:アルベルト·ケンヤ·フジモリ·フジモリ,1938年7月28日—2024年9月11日)日本裔秘鲁农业学家、教师、主持人、政治家、总统,拥有秘鲁和日本双重国籍。 1938年7月28日出生于秘鲁首都利马日本移民家庭,1957年前往秘鲁国立莫利纳农业大学...
A policeman stands guard outside the residence of former Peruvian President Alberto Fujimori in Lima, Peru, Sept. 11, 2024. Former Peruvian President Alberto Fujimori died on Wednesday at the age of 86, according to Peruvian media reports. (Xinhua/Mariana Bazo) Media reporters gather outside the...
Alberto FujimoriFu·ji·mo·ri, Al·ber·to/ˌfuːdʒɪˈmɔːri, ælˈbɜːtəʊ$-ˈbɜːr-/ (1938–)the president of Peru from 1990 to 2000. At first he was popular because he dealt withterroristgroups in a very strong and determined way, but he later...
Fujimori, Alberto Fujimori, Alberto (älbĕrˈtō fo͞oˌjĭmôrˈē), 1938–, president of Peru (1990–2000), b. Lima, Peru. The son of Japanese immigrants, he was educated in Peru and attended Univ. of Wisconsin. Fujimori was an unknown economist when he scored an upset ...
阿尔韦托·谦也·藤森·井元(西班牙语:Alberto Kenya Fujimori,于2024年9月15日上线。西瓜视频为您提供高清视频,画面清晰、播放流畅,看丰富、高质量视频就上西瓜视频。
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Shortly before his release, the National Penitentiary Institute confirmed via social media that "in compliance with the TC ruling that provides for the immediate release of the inmate Alberto Fujimori, and after processing the document in accordance with internal protocols, it will proceed with the ...
Thousands of people in Peru have been paying their respects to the late President, Alberto Fujimori, who died at the age of 86 after serving prison time for corruption and human rights abuses. FromBBC Long queues formed outside the Culture Ministry in Lima where Fujimori's body is lying in...