Nikon D5500Fujifilm X-S20Nikon AF-S DX Nikkor 55-300mm f/4.5-5.6G ED VRNikon AF-S Nikkor 50mm F1.8GTokina 11-20mm F2.8+2 more Reply to threadReply with quoteComplain BeatX•Senior Member• Posts: 1,778 Re: X-S20 in Northern Spain ...
The X-S20 has the better grip and IBIS, but I'm not sure I like the dial lay-out. Also, the X-T4 is cheaper and has weather sealing. I know the X-S20 has the newest processor, but how does it compare to the previous generation in terms of autofocus speed and accuracy?
The Curious Case of the Upcoming Fujifilm X-S20May 19, 2023In "Camera blog" Post navigation 7 Film Simulation Recipes for Ultra-High-ISO Photography Creative Collective 043: Dreamy Light (The Cheap & Easy Way) Top Posts & Pages How to Program Film Simulation Recipes to your Fujifilm Camera ...
See all our test results The Fujifilm X-T30 II is among the best entry-level options in Fujifilm's lineup. It uses the same sensor found in the Fujifilm X-S20 and higher-end Fujis of its generation, like the Fujifilm X-T4, so you'll get excellent image quality straight out of the...
Fujifiml X-H1 Fujifilm X-H2S (@val123456) Fujifilm X-S10 (@dimitrij2k) Fujifilm X-S20 (@kelvincabaldo07) Fujifilm X-T200 (@Cronkan) Fujifilm X-T30 Fujifilm X-T5 (@stulevine) Fujifilm X100V Canon Canon EOS M6 (@tardisx) Canon EOS RP (@wolcano) ...
Test: Fujifilm GFX 50R (Profi-DSLM) Die Fujifilm GFX 50R liefert im Test erstklassige Bildqualität zum vergleichsweise niedrigen Preis. Gut, 4.500 Euro sind alles andere als wenig. Für eine Mittelformat-DSLM zählt das allerdings fast schon als Schnäppchen. ...
F-Log2 3D-LUT file / F-Log2 IDT file / F-Log2 Data sheet Last updated: 10.15.2024 [7.45MB] *Decompress the “” file and launch “.cube” file from a movie editor. ...
(can be a bit too yellow), and can be a bit too cool in the shade. This Recipe is compatible with all fifth generation X-Trans models, which (as of this writing) are the Fujifilm X-H2s, X-H2, X-T5, X-S20, X100VI, X-T50, and X-M5 cameras. It can be used on the ...
富士FUJIFILM X-S20/XS20 微单相机 无反套机(16-50mm XF镜头) 黑色 13329元 京东国际 01-16 00:22 0 -- 松典 数码相机5K高清摄像vlog单反微单防抖学生照相机 官方标配+广角镜+闪光灯套装 256G内存 1049元 京东 01-17 10:16 0 -- 松典 数码相机5K高清摄像vlog单反微单防抖学生照相机 官方标配+广角镜+闪...