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Fujifilm富士 FinePix SL300数码相机两色可选 $149.95(46%off) 火速抢!仅限今天!亚马逊金盒特价现在有黑红两色可选只要$149.95(46%off)+免运费。其它商家给出的价格都在$180以上。 富士SL305是款定位在富士X-S1及HS30EXR之下,但在S4500/S4200之上的中端大变焦数码相机。SL305变焦比为30x,镜头等效焦距24-...
Fujifilm FinePix SL300 Surface area: 28.46 mm² vs 28.46 mm² Difference: 0 mm² (0%) PL120 and SL300 sensors are the same size. Pixel pitch 1.42 µm 1.43 µm Pixel pitch tells you the distance from the center of one pixel (photosite) to the center of the next. It ...
Fujifilm FinePix SL300Playing to the PurseSmart Photography
Fujifilm FinePix X100 Fujifilm X-T5 Fujifilm X100VI Voigtlander 35mm F1.4 Nokton Rokinon 85mm F1.4 +11 more Reply Reply with quote Reply to thread Complain OP Ap0ll0n • Senior Member • Posts: 2,583 Re: Voigtlander 18mm vs. Fuji In reply to jrk • 8 months ago jrk wr...
Nov 9, 2023 Hello Everyone! I have the Fujifilm X-A3, the one with the American Flag skin. I think it came out in 2017 according to the DP review here. I'm hoping someone here can answer these questions. I have tried finding answers in the manual but to no avail. ...
รุ่นกล้องที่ใช้ได้: SL240 FinePix; SL245 FinePix SL260 FinePix; SL280 FinePix SL300 FinePix; SL305 FinePix SL1000 FinePix; S1 FinePix โปรดตรวจสอบให้แน่ใจว่าผลิตภ...
来自: http://liulanqi.baidu.com/tieba 富士(FUJIFILM)FinePix S2995长焦数码相机 分享43赞 富士吧 云云酱2022 富士相机,可以用数据线导照片到电脑上。不需要拔卡。富士XS-10相机导照片到电脑的经验分享,我是Mac电脑。 用USB连接电脑时,需要在相机的菜单内设定USB模式。 用Windows电脑的话、先Type-C线连接摄像...
Fujifilm FinePix S4500 Surface area: 28.46 mm² vs 28.46 mm² Difference: 0 mm² (0%) S3400 and S4500 sensors are the same size. Pixel pitch 1.42 µm 1.43 µm Pixel pitch tells you the distance from the center of one pixel (photosite) to the center of the next. It ...
Fujifilm FinePix XP50 设计光学摄像电池功能 27 分 23 分 为什么Fujifilm FinePix SL300优于Fujifilm FinePix XP50? 3200 ISO更高的最大扩展 ISO ? 6400 ISOvs3200 ISO 电池更持久80 shots ? 300 shotsvs220 shots 50%更高的连续驱动模式数据