FinePixS7000Z数码相机S20Pro外观造型反转片模式在本次评测中,有2款产品的分组令我们十分头痛,它们就是FujiFilm FinePix S7000Z和S20 Pro.从外观造型来看,它们似乎应该划分到消费旗舰组,但是其规格和成像品质以及价位却又存在一定的差距,最终我们没有为它们妥协,宁可将其单列,也没有归入消费旗舰组.微电脑世界...
可使用xD-Picture Card卡或Microdrive卡作为FinePix S7000的存储介质。 h 如果相机中同时装有xD-Picture Card卡和Microdrive卡,图像将保存在被选作“首选介质”的介质 上(见81页)。 h 数据不能在FinePix S7000中的两种介质之间复制。 N 更换xD-Picture Card卡 N N 更换Microdrive卡 N 1 将相机电源开关置于“OF...
PopulaireNieuwste 31 33537 24817 40 21034 23847 314 11715 347 306 421 271 612 609 203 441 212 352 311 221 7617 60 333 40 215 311 3412 211 20 102 222 176 102 250 241 236 52 4414 134 163 169 70 190 41 111 183 308 132 232 ...
FinePix S7000 S7000的主要特点有: 1、采用Super CCD IV HR,有效像素为630万,最大记录像素为4048x3040(1230万); 2、6X光学变焦镜头,相当于135画幅的35-210mm; 3、采用xD卡和微硬盘双插槽。 <next page>由于S7000具有很强的微距功能(最近对焦距离为10cm),所以同时推出了闪光指数为12的专用的微距环行闪光灯Y...
Re: S7000 Pics Look Worse Than Nikon Coolpix SQ In reply to JAJ • May 3, 2004 JAJ wrote: nuxx, I would use Fine. You can always sharpen them when you post-process. Phil, in his review here said he would use 6M, but alot of folks here would probably disagree. Auto white...
No major surprises here, as noted in our introduction the S7000 Zoom has the identical body to the S602 Zoom and S602 Pro Zoom, certainly closer to the S602 Pro because of its all black body. The S7000 has an 'SLR like' appearance with a deep hand grip and sculpted rear thumb grip...
PopulairePlus récents 31 33537 24817 40 21034 23847 314 11515 347 306 421 271 612 609 203 441 212 352 311 221 7617 60 333 40 215 311 3412 211 20 102 212 176 102 250 241 236 4414 52 163 134 169 70 190 41 183 308 132 111 ...
Fujifilm FinePix S7000 Zoom Fujifilm公司FinePixS7000Zoom数码相机CCD功能摘要:云云的小猪不详VIP微型计算机
PopülerEn yeniler 31 33537 24817 40 21034 23847 314 11715 347 306 421 271 612 609 203 441 212 352 311 221 7617 60 333 40 215 311 3412 211 20 102 222 176 102 250 241 236 52 4414 134 163 169 70 190 41 111 183 308 132
Fuji FinePix S7000Z Reviews Sample 18 images Jan 18, 2004 Canon EOS-1D Mk II Review Samples 24 images Jan 14, 2004 Sony DSC-F828 Review Samples 20 images Jan 9, 2004 Nikon D2H Review Samples 25 images Dec 19, 2003 Olympus E-1 Review Samples One 23 images Nov 29, 2003 Sigma...