Embark on an anime adventure with Crunchyroll, your ultimate destination for watching a vast collection of anime series and movies. Delve into the captivating worlds of hit titles such as One Piece, Jujutsu Kaisen, Chainsaw Man, and Attack on Titan. Star
With the theme of love, the album will feature a total of 9 songs, including "Hikari Are," which was produced by Kobayashi Takeshi, "Rakuen," which is currently being used as the opening theme for TV anime 'Dr.STONE,' and collaboration songs with three different artists. At this time,...
also known for many anime tie-ins such as "magi" "tsuritama" "silver spoon" "aoharide" ”space brothers" , their latest on is with "dr.stone” as its opening theme song for the 2nd season "rakuen". in march 2021, they are set to release 11th album "i love you". géneros rock ...
Embarquez pour une aventure dans le monde des anime avec Crunchyroll, votre destination ultime pour regarder une grande panoplie de séries et de films animés. Explorez les univers captivants de titres célèbres tels que One Piece, Jujutsu Kaisen, Chai