Fujifilm X-T5 Firmware Ver.4.21 ReleasedDownload Here The firmware update Ver.4.21 from Ver.4.20 incorporates the following issue: A firmware bug is fixed that the connection with USB devices may not work properly. Please don’t forget to follow us onFacebook,Twitter,Instagram,YouTube ...
Is this a troll post? You know your a7c kit and lenses are rather small and light compared to say an xt4 and a 75 1.2 on fuji... ReplyReply with quoteReply to threadComplain OPcsnite•Regular Member• Posts: 158 Re: Back to Fuji, kit suggestions ...
Fuji is planning to do a massive firmware update for Fuji X-T3 camera. We generally never post regular firmware update news, but we are not able to overlook this. Take a look at the major set of improvements we will be getting with the Fuji upcoming X-T3 firmware update Fuji X-T3 Fi...
There are no publicly available release notes for this update, but it likely has something to do with the launch of the Fujifilm X-H2S and Fujifilm X-H2. Key Features Frequency: 2.4 GHz Operating Range: […] Posted in Accessories, Firmware | Also tagged Fuji GFX, Fuji GFX 100M, Fuji ...
This got me curious so I got out my XT30II and 14 and tested various distances and apertures. The distance AF indicator was accurate every time. So I’m not seeing these issues. • Posts: 1,372 Re: Fuji INCONSISTENT Autofocus issue Pt. 3 ...
The firmware update Ver.2.13 from Ver.2.12 incorporates the following issues: The electronic level display will work in wider range of the tilt angle, so that you can use the electronic level on the LCD even if you tilt the camera more than that with the current...
GFX50R II, GFX50S II, Large Format, Medium Format, Project Real, Super Full Frame, X-H2, X-T Pro, X-T2, X-T3, X-T3S, X-T4, X-T4 Pro, X-T40, X-T4Pro, X-T5, X-TPro, XH2, XT-Pro, XT2, XT3, XT3 Pro, XT3Pro, XT3S, XT4, XT4 Pro, XT40, XT5 | Leave a ...
Can some of these recipes be used on X Trans II cameras.? Loading... Reply Mal · December 8, 2023 Using a Fuji XT2. I’m not understanding how to set the WB shift and color temp for each of my custom recipe saves. I understand how to change the WB presets (1,2,3) shift...
There’s a decent chance that this ability will be added to the X-T3 and X-T30 via a firmware update at some point, but right now the X-Pro3 is the only camera that can do this. There’s an outside chance that X-Trans III cameras could also be given this feature, but most lik...
first seen in the FUJIFILM X-T3 and then the FUJIFILM X-T30. Using this combination and new firmware, the phase-detection AF now works down to a luminance of -6EV; close to absolute darkness. Also new is CLASSIC Neg. Film Simulation mode, which is designed to simulate color negative fil...