如果能抢到xe4的27饼套机,性价比是很高的。如果喜欢军舰头造型,xt30二代的 xc35f2套机也很香。
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Re: fuji xt-3 panorama image New Gary B P1000 Dec 12, 2020 Re: fuji xt-3 panorama image New sluggy_warrior Dec 12, 2020 Re: fuji xt-3 panorama image New Gary B P1000 Jan 7, 2021 Re: fuji xt-3 panorama image New sluggy_warrior Jan 7, 2021 Re: fuji xt-3 panorama image...
型号 FUJI (富士) 益立代理 供货商 价格说明 价格:商品在爱采购的展示标价,具体的成交价格可能因商品参加活动等情况发生变化,也可能随着购买数量不同或所选规格不同而发生变化,如用户与商家线下达成协议,以线下协议的结算价格为准,如用户在爱采购上完成线上购买,则最终以订单结算页价格为准。 抢购价:商品参与营...
9668 17 3:20 富士XT4增加了什么东西?XT3还能再战五年?{怕你们不逛官网,我来科普一下} 31万 843 7:51 万元内最值得购买的APSC视频微单|富士XT3 fujifilm XT3 2万 199 20:00 【4K画质胡子哥 DPRTV中字】 富士Fujifilm X-H1 测评 1.1万 14 6:48 送你一台相机. 之. Fujifilm XH1。 富士xh1...
JJC Fuji XT5 Metal Thumb Grip Hot Shoe Thumb for Fujifilm XT5 XT4 XT3 /X-T5 X-T4 X-T3 Secure Hold Camera Accessories 5.0 3 ReviewsProduct sellpoints Xt1|Fujifilm Xt30 Review|Material: Aluminium Alloy,Crafted from robust aluminium alloy, this grip ensures durability and longevity for your...
Fujifilm Xe1|Fujifilmx Pro3|Material: Silicone,Crafted from stretchable, tenacious silicone, this case offers durability and a snug fit for your Fujifilm XT3/XT4. Protection: Scratch-Resistant,The silicone case shields your camera from scratches, scrapes, and abrasions, maintaining its pristine cond...
3,新品X-T200这个星期到货,首发优惠力度非常大,付100定金抵500,实际就是立减400,新品的首发价是:5190(本来之前是5290的,富士公司临时加码)。并赠送一张闪迪128G高速卡(190元)4。XT30 XT20 XA7 XA5价格均有部分下调 5. C幅镜头价格没有变化。
Using a Fuji XT2. I’m not understanding how to set the WB shift and color temp for each of my custom recipe saves. I understand how to change the WB presets (1,2,3) shift although there is no option to change the color temp as well for each preset. I can only assume I’m mi...