FUJI国行xh2微单相机 无反单电数码照相机4020万像素 8K视频 五轴防抖 富士x-h2+XF16-80镜头套装图片、价格、品牌样样齐全!【京东正品行货,全国配送,心动不如行动,立即购买享受更多优惠哦!】
Fujifilm has released firmware updates for Fujifilm X-T5, X-T4, X-T3, X-H2, X-H2S, X-S20, X-S10 and XF16-55mmF2.8 as well as the Fujifilm FT-XH File transmitter grip. It’s mainly (but not only) a video centric update and more lenses will get the same update in February (XF...
Re: Upgrading from Fuji XT-2: XT-5 or XH-2? In reply to mountainhiker • 4 months ago 4 Well, I very much prefer the X-T2’s dial interface, so it’s going to be the X-T5 (or 6) for me when the time comes. Besides the classic interface, the X-T5 also finally lets...
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Posted in Interview | Also tagged Classic Chroms, Classic Neg., Classic Negative, Computational Photography, ETERNA, Eterna Bleach Bypass, Focal Reducer, Fuji Rumors, Fuji X-H2, Fuji X-H2S, Fuji X-T4, Fuji X-T4 Pro, Fuji X-T40, Fuji X-T4Pro, Fuji X-T5, Fuji X-TPro, Fuji XH2,...