而会选择EM1. EM1是奥巴系统的旗舰机,本身奥巴的的优点也很突出,对焦迅速(曾有网站对比过,EM1秒杀...
Back in February, Adorama launched a massive X-E2 deal, where you could buy the X-E2 for $499 or the with 18-55 for $699 (with free hand grip). Well, that was a
● Slight cosmetic and button labeling changes (the grip is slightly different) with just a tiny bit of different internal hardware; it's still 95% the same camera as the old X-E2.● An old X-E2 with the newest firmware will be very similar, except for motion detection and ISO 51,...
首先这不是一个级别的。a7是全画幅,xe2 xt1 a6000是apsc,em10是m43,画幅依次减小,画质是越大越好。 画质排序 a7 xt1 xe2 a6000 em10 操纵性能 xt1最好 对焦性能 a6000 xt1 最好 做工xt1 a7 最好 系统前途 a7 马上FE的超广角变焦也来了 还是推荐全画幅的a7,玩一玩就知道全画幅的重要性了,比apsc爽太多。
电源适配器AC-9V+CP-W126适用于富士X-Pro1 X-Pro2 X-E1 X-E2 深圳云天梦科技有限公司8年 回头率:36% 广东 深圳市龙岗区 ¥60.0成交16件 相机模拟电池适用索尼佳能富士松下尼康tiktok直播交流电源适配器 深圳市奔马电子科技有限公司17年 回头率:31.7% ...
Fujifilm X-E2/X-E2sFujifilm X-E1 Aside from the camera body, you’ll need a lens. A few to consider are: TTArtisan 27mm f/2.8— Amazon— B&HTTArtisan 35mm f/1.8— Amazon— B&HFujinon 35mm f/2— Amazon— B&H— Moment If you shop around, it’s possible to find a good deal, and...
(a few months later) X-E2 because the X-E1 line was better (build quality, EVF, etc.), while those who were unfamiliar opted for the X-A1 instead because it was cheaper and the advantage of the X-M1 wasn’t obvious or well communicated. The X-M series was axed about a year ...
Fujifilm X-E2: 129mm x 74.9mm x 37.2mm Fujifilm X-T20: 118.4mm x 82.8mm x 41.4mm To make it easier to comprehend, I made a quick and dirty comparison image, that you can see above. X-E2 is the yellow box, and X-E3 the green box. Consider also that the X-E3 will be a bit...
X-E2 X-E1 X-Pro1 Intro 1/2017 7/2016 5/2015 1/2014 10/2013 9/2012 2/2012 Sensor Size APS-C APS-C APS-C APS-C APS-C APS-C APS-C Resolution 24 MP 24 MP 16 MP 16 MP 16 MP 16 MP 16 MP Electronic Finder 2.36MP 0.39" OLED 2.36MP 0.48" OLED 2.36MP 0.5" OLED ...
:GGS viewfinder DSLR eyepiece DV sunshade frame eye mask camera for FUJI X-E2/X-E2s/X-100T/X-100F/X-M1/X-A1/X-A2 XE2 X100F XA2 PRODUCT PROPERTY:✨ 1: Aevyvkv is a professional brand.Our product is made in cn(origin). ✨ 2: The photography accessories type of our product ...