X-M1 with 16-50mm Kit Third Party from $993 from $993 X-Pro1 1 Used Available Third Party from $999 from $999 X-T1 Third Party from $899 from $899 X-T1 (Graphite Silver Edition) Third Party from $999 from $999 X-T2 with 18-55mm Kit ...
The best lens for the Fuji X-T50 is the one that launched alongside the camera! The Fujifilm XF 16-50mm f/2.8-4.8 R LM WR is the latest zoom available as a kit lens for all newly announced Fuji cameras. It replaces the soon-to-be-retired XF 18-55mm f/2.8-4 kit lens, which ...
The XF16-55mmF2.8 R LM WR is a well-built lens (anything else would be an insult) with snappy, silent autofocus. It also features Fuji’s new Nano-GI coating that was introduced in the XF50-140mmF2.8 R LM OIS WR. Excluding protection caps and the (plastic) lens hood, the zoom w...
My next favorite lens that I have owned and used for many years now, is the Fuji XF 23mm f/1.4 R. It has a similar field of view as a 35mm lens on full-frame cameras, and its wide aperture of f/1.4 makes it a truly versatile lens that can be used for many different types of...
Sony E PZ 16-50mm f/3.5-5.6($300) vsFujifilm XF18-55mm f/2.8-4($700) wide end not really difference long end if you really pixel peep, at the corners the Sony lens holds up better [Lightroom has been used] the Fuji can work better in lo...
Fujinon XF 16-55mm F2.8 R LM WR Fujinon XF 18-135mm F3.5-5.6 Best Fuji Portrait Lens If you are a wedding, event, or studio photographer, you probably have the best lens selection to choose from. You can pick up fast primes with classical portrait focal lengths: 35mm F1.4 (50mm eq...
Fujifilm 16-55mm F2.8R LM WRFujifilm X-H2SFujifilm XF 8-16mm F2.8XF 150-600mmCanon Pixma Pro-100+1 more ReplyReply with quoteReply to threadComplain Denver100•Regular Member• Posts: 492 Re: How old are Fuji users? In reply to(unknown member)•Jul 20, 2023 ...
lens will be better than the “old” zoom, and in some aspects it will be worse. Some will like it, and some won’t. I would suggest to Fujifilm that they should continue to manufacture the 18-55mm simultaneously with the new 16-50mm, and not discontinue it; however, perhaps that ...
I ended up not going with either and decided to make the switch to a Nikon Z6 iii and 24-120 f4 lens. I really wanted a one lens solution with 24-120 focal range. My X-T2 is still working well and I am still invested in Fuji glass with Fuji's other two red badge lenses. I ...
Other Lens Savings Sigma 16mm f/1.4 DC DN Contemporary (Save $87): B&H Photo/Amazon/Adorama Sigma 23mm f/1.4 DC DN Contemporary (Save $89): B&H Photo/Amazon/Adorama Sigma 30mm f/1.4 DC DN Contemporary (Save $55): B&H Photo/Amazon/Adorama ...