Kennyzhang29 6年前 Fuji film X-PRO2 with 35mm/f2 证件照对于这台相机有什么感兴趣的地方 小伙伴们 可以在下面留言 98 562 来自圈子 今日份的摄影 100万+人已经加入加入 热门评论 Johnnyzjz6年前 3 我有个问题 能送我吗 Kennyzhang29:啊?什么 你说什么 我听不见 Johnnyzjz: 其实23比35视角舒服一点 ...
富士XM5长测体验 或许是今年富士最值得买的相机 叶还行呀 2577 20 玩胶片的才懂这一刻的含金量 诣然决然 1.1万 14 店长测评 | Pentax MX Review 店长变身专业团队 用最小单反送兄弟上路 上海一日游与宾得MX实拍样张解析 柯达电影卷kodak5219 500T 店长测评 1098 31 【御成phot】卖掉全幅只为它?富士XM5...
I extensively useRitchie Roesch's Fuji film simulations recipeson my X-E3, and they rely heavily on fine tuning the WB red+blue settings. What I do is include the R+B settings within the simulation name (e.g. "R+1 B-2") and have a function button set up to open the WB fine tu...
PRO Negative 160C This was the first Recipe I published that uses the new Reala Ace film simulation. It rose one spot. #24: Classic Color I published this Recipe, which uses Classic Chrome and has compatibility with both X-Trans IV and X-Trans V cameras, in April. It fell two spots ...
Top 10 Most Popular Fujicolor Film Simulation Recipes of 2024 Posted on 2 Days Ago by Ritchie Roesch Manhattan from Pulaski Bridge –Fujifilm X-T50 – PRO Negative 160C I get asked fairly regularly which Film Simulation Recipes are the most popular. For me, this is a fascinating topic, ...
Ryan Connolly of Film Riot/Triune Films on his location scouting for his short film Ballistic. And another, which a FR-reader has found through a video FilmRiot posted, is of someone taking BTS photos with an X-H1. See the videoTag – Raw On Set B-Rollon...
4) Camera automatically calculate the White Balance based on the lens position and deliver the color expressions with Film Simulation modes Enlarged and customizable indicators or information The upgrade allows users to enlarge indicators and information in the viewfinder and/or LCD monitor. ...
最好用的ANALOGICA LAB松下索尼直出模仿FUJI富士3513色彩电影感胶片模拟LUT滤镜LUT调色预设文件推荐最新Analogica lab富士3513胶片LUT滤镜FUJI 3513 35MM Film Emulation预设最新意大利ANALOGICA LAB大师级影视后期调色LUT预设,我们已经更新很多期了群内小伙伴一直在催更新LUT包,所以今天我们再更新一组富士3513胶片LUTs预设首先...
By the way, I am not a friend, lover, enemy, spouse , relative or business associate of anyone at the Fuji X Weekly site. This link is for the newbies in the crowd. So you got your new shiny Fuji camera with all its wonderful film sims and you think it can't get any better ...
FUJI 富士 FILM)XF23mmF1.4 R LM WR 大光圈标准定焦镜头5840元什么值得买甄选出京东优惠促销商品,包括FUJI/富士镜头报价、多少钱等信息,认真生活,好好花钱就上什么值得买。