又名Fugitive Nights Fugitive Nights: Danger in the Des... 编剧 Joseph Wam...主演 山姆·艾里奥特特瑞·加尔托马斯·汉登·丘奇雷蒙德·巴里芭芭拉·巴波科克 剧情 剧情简介在棕榈滩执业的私家侦探布兰达(泰莉嘉尔)受客户所雇跟踪她形迹可疑的老公,结果发现这位先生与一家精子银行有密切的往来,当她意外卷入一桩...
Fugitive Nights: Danger in the Desert (1993 TV Movie) Moonlighting meets Nash Bridges in what looks like a pilot for a nonexistent show 4 September 2009 Warning: Spoilers 6 out of 6 found this helpful. Was this review helpful? Sign in to vote. Permalink This TV film starts out ...
Strengthen me on errands of danger, honour me with pain, and help me climb to that difficult mood which sacrifices daily to thee. Give me the supreme confidence of love, this is my prayer — the confidence that belongs to life in death, to victory in defeat, to the power hidden in ...