Transfection ExperimentsIn a typical experiment using HeLa or COS-1 cells, 1 ml of FuGENE®HD Transfection Reagent can be used to perform up to three hundredtransfections in 35-mm tissue-culture dishes, using 3 l of reagentcombined with 1 – 2 g DNA per well. This is equivalent...
6 Transfection Reagent is formulated to work at low cell densities, whereas FuGENE? HD Transfection Reagent is formulated to work at higher cell densities. Cells must be healthy and free of mycoplasma and other contaminants. L If you have used FuGENE? 6 Transfection Reagent in the past, we ...
FuGENE HD Transfection Reagent 操作说明 1. 将 FuGENE HD Transfection 转染试剂 DNA 和稀释液放置室内 调整温度到 15-25°。稍涡旋或颠倒混匀 FuGENE HD Transfection 试剂。 2. 用适量的稀释液稀释 DNA。用 Opti-MEMI Reduced Serum Medium,无血清培养基 无抗生素或抗菌剂 或者灭菌蒸馏水稀释至浓度为 0.02 ...
FuGENEHDTransfectionReagent操作说明1. 将FuGENEHDTransfection转染试剂,DNA和稀释液放置室内,调整温度到15-25°。稍涡旋或颠倒混匀FuGENEHDTransfec..
HD试剂转染转染试剂 系统标签: fugenetransfectionreagentpromega试剂fugent TechnicalManual FuGENE ® HDTransfection Reagent INSTRUCTIONSFORUSEOFPRODUCTSE2311ANDE2312. PRINTEDINUSA. Revised2/13Part#TM328 PromegaCorporation·2800WoodsHollowRoad·Madison,WI53711-5399USA TollFreeinUSA800-356-9526·Phone608-274-...
The FuGENE® HD Transfection Reagent is a nonliposomal formulation designed to transfect DNA into a wide variety of cell lines with high efficiency and low toxicity. The protocol does not require removal of serum or culture medium and does not require washing or changing of medium after ...
产品编号:4709705001查看说明书 产品名称:供原装|FuGENE HD Transfection Reagent|FuGENE HD转染试剂| .0订购此产品 供应商:Roche 规格:1.0 ml (up to 300 transfections) 目录价:4851 库存状态:大量现货 CAS编号: 应用范围: 种属来源: 相关信息: FuGENE HD转染试剂 ...
产品编号: E2312 查看说明书 产品名称: ?FuGENE? HD Transfection Reagent .0 订购此产品 供应商: Promega 规格: 5 × 1ml 目录价: 34595 库存状态: 二周到货 CAS编号: 应用范围: 生化试验 种属来源: 相关信息: 说明 FuGENE®HD Transfection Reagent(FuGENE® HD 转染试剂)是一种新型的非脂质体...
产品说明书 4709713001 FuGENE HD Trans Rgt Mega-pack Roche 5 x 1 ml (up to 1,500 transfections) 询价 产品说明书 4883560001 FUGENE HD TRIAL PACK Roche 1 trial pack 询价 产品说明书 5061369001 FuGENE HD Transfection Reagent Roche 10 ml (up to 3,000 transfections) ...
FuGENE® HD Transfection Reagent目录价: ¥0.00 货号: E2311 名称: FuGENE® HD Transfection Reagent 品牌: Promega 规格: 1mL 购买数量: 立即购买 产品信息 FuGENE® HD Transfection Reagent(FuGENE® HD 转染试剂 )是一种新型的非脂质体制剂,用于将 DNA 转染到多种细胞系中,高效低毒。该...