and there's another reason why this film should be released. the action in joshua tree is simply incredible. there's one particular scene where dolph kills all these chinese guys, who seem to be never ending, and seem to double in numbers every time two of them get killed. and boy, do...
True Romance has everything necessary to create art on celluloid. From the writing expertise of Quentin Tarantino to Tony Scott's brilliant directing to its cast of gifted actors, the movie is all that one would hope for.Beginning in Detroit and ending in Mexico, a loner that never really ...
CyberConnect2 released a new update for Fuga: Melodies of Steel. The update includes options to help players catch up on its true ending before the sequel launches in May. News/Podcasts/RPG Cast March 4, 2023 RPG Cast – Episode 667: “Nintendo Has an Animal Crossing Jail?” ...
2 of 3 noun plural swaggers 1 a : an arrogantly self-confident way of walking : an act or instance of swaggering b : arrogant or conceitedly self-assured behavior c : ostentatious display or bravado 2 : bold or brash self-confidence "Taxi" opens with an argument over capital...