The invention relates to the method and apparatus for forming the calibration chart used to measure the amount of fuel inside the fuel tanks (1) which comprises at least one laser distance measurement device (2) positioned inside said fuel tank (1) and measuring the distance between itself and...
【题目】Thisisachartofacar'sfuelconsumptionduringacertainday. fuelconsumption-燃料消耗petrol-汽油litre-升 【1】Theabovechartshows___. A.howmuchpetrolwasneededtofillthetank B.thespeedthecarwasgoing C.whichtripusedthemostpetrol D.howfarthecar
1. The above chart shows ___. A. how much petrol was needed to fill the tank B. the speed the car was going C. which trip used the most petrol D. how far the car travelled 2.The driver bought petrol at ___. A. 8 a.m. B. 9 a.m...
the activation of fission products was ignored and the fission was assumed to occur in a single moment rather than a length of time. In this bar chart results are shown for different cooling times (time after fission). Because of the stability of nuclei witheven numbers of protons and/or ...
Unloading Process: Transfer LNG(liquid natural gas) from the tank truck to the LNG storage tank of the gas station through the LNG submersible pump skid(including the unloading truck and the tank booster) at the gas filling station. Pressurization Process: After unloading, th...
This is a chart of a car’s fuel consumption during a certain day.Time of day Fuel consumption-燃料消耗 petrol- 汽油 litre-升[小题1]The above chart shows much petrol was needed to fill the tankB.the speed the car was goingC.which trip us
LEVEL GAUGE FOR MEASURING THE AMOUNT OF LIQUID IN A TANK A kind of liquidometer (1) for measuring the amount of liquid in case, such as ground tank (19) accommodate fuel (21, it is open. (10 include that probe (2) has pressure sensor based on the difference between the hydrostatic ...
FUELTANKBASE Griffin DieselGeneratorSet 750-900kVA50Hz 650-800kW60Hz ●UL142listed ●DesignedandbuilttocomplywithNFPA30, 37,110 ●Tankdesignprovidescapacityforthermal expansionoffuel ●Directreadingfuellevelgauge ●Fuelsupplydiptubeispositionedsoasnot ...
Time of today Fuel consumption-燃料消耗 petrol-汽油 litre-升 70.The above chart showsC. much petrol was needed to fill the tank B.the speed the car was going C.which trip used the most petrol far the car traveled
阅读理解 This is a chart of a car’s fuel consumption during a certain day. Fuel consumption-燃料消耗 petrol-汽油 litre-升 (1) The above chart shows . [ ] A. how much petrol was needed to fill the tank B. the speed the car was going C.