Drive the future with fuel cell technology. Explore our advanced compressors that enhance power and efficiency in hydrogen fuel cells.
燃料电池汽车(Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles,简称FCEV)是一种使用氢气作为燃料,通过化学反应产生电能驱动车辆的汽车。以下是一些市场上知名的燃料电池汽车型号: 1. 丰田Mirai:作为最早实现商业化的燃料电池汽车之一,Mirai以其先进的燃料电池技术和相对成熟的加氢基础设施支持而受到关注。 2. 现代Nexo:这款中型SUV以其创新...
Our fuel cell-powered vehicles have exceeded 200 million km of real world use - that's 3,750 times around the globe. Product uptime in fleet operation 98% Buses and trucks deployed 3,600+ Products delivered to our customers 1GW Kilometres on the road ...
Mirai is a part of the Fuel Cell EV Family We currently offer more low and zero emission vehicles combined than any other automaker, to give customers numerous choices to reduce their carbon footprint. The Power of Choice Our lineup brings you more than just your choice of electrified pow...
The most prevalent fuel cell vehicles are cars, buses, forklifts and material handling vehicles.[33] 【参考译文】所有交通方式都有燃料电池汽车。最常见的燃料电池汽车是汽车、公共汽车、叉车和物料搬运车。[33] 3.1 小汽车 | Automobiles 此图片遵循CC BY-SA 3.0协议 图片题注:The Honda FCX, along with...
Wonder how fuel cell vehicles work? Curious about their safety? Get a better understanding about this brilliant—yet often misunderstood—technology. Previous Safer than other fuels Despite public misconception, hydrogen energy is quite safe, even safer than other fuels. It’s one reason why Hyundai...
1. INTRODUCTIONIn 1801, Humpry Davy first demonstrated the fuel cell concept but the first working fuel cell was created by William Grove. Grove's experiments proved that an electric current could be produced by the electrochemical reaction of breaking the hydrogen atom. The first modern fuel ...
燃料电池汽车的工作原理是,使作为燃料的氢在汽车搭载的燃料电池中,与大气中的氧发生化学反应,从而产生出电能启动电动机,进而驱动汽车。 燃料电池的化学反应过程不会产生有害产物,因此燃料电池车辆是无污染汽车,燃料电池的能量转换效率比内燃机要高2~3倍,因此从能源的利用和环境保护方面,燃料电池汽车是一种理想的车辆...
The performance, durability, and cost of fuel cell technology continue to be improved, and some fuel cells are currently ready to be mounted on vehicles and tested. Environmental and economic assessments of the entire hydrogen supply chain, including fuel cell end-use, are being carried out by ...
Fuel cell vehicles (FCV) use fuel cells to power the vehicle’s electric motor. Many FCVs use a fuel cell combined with a battery and supercapacitor to efficiently start-up, power, and utilize the best energy source for constant and peak power. In FCVs, the fuel cell uses oxygen from ...