Unlock the iconic university landscape and leave beautiful youth memory. 打卡地标:相辉堂、子彬院、燕园、曦园、光华楼、光华大道、廖凯原楼(江湾校区)、彩虹桥(张江校区) Landmarks:Xianghui Auditorium, Zibin Building, Yan Garden,...
Guanghua Building, Fudan University To achieve the strategic goal of "building a world-class university", Fudan University has set up a three-year action plan for an "Internet+" smart campus and subsequently launched applications such as eHall, eLearning, unified payment, smart meal ordering, se...
Guanghua Building, Fudan University To achieve the strategic goal of “building a world-class university”, Fudan University has set up a three-year action plan for an “Internet+” smart campus and subsequently launched applications such as eHall, eLearning, unified...