sys_timezone - The timezone must be definied in a valid format (Europe/Berlin, America/New_York etc.) conf_httpd - Select wether to use Nginx ("nginx") or Apache2 ("apache2"). Nginx is default. my_postfixdb, my_postfixuser, my_postfixpass - MySQL database name, username and pass...
pfadmin_adminuser and pfadmin_adminpass- Postfixadmin superuser definition:Username MUST end with a valid domain namebutdoes NOT need to be yours. "" is fine, "yourname@domain.invalid" or "yourname@aname" is not. Password policy: minimum length 8 chars, must contain ...
Tab. 1 Prognostizierte Insolvenzgefährdung der Bundesligisten (eigene Darstellung basierend auf Zülch et al. (2020)) „gesund" „stabil" „im Risiko" „bedroht" FC Bayern München Borussia Dortmund Eintracht Frankfurt TSG Hoffenheim Bayer Leverkusen Hertha BSC Berlin FC Augsburg RB Leipzig...