自由贸易区(FTZ,Foreign/Free Trade Zone):可以将其想象成一个为了国际贸易活动所设计的国内免税港。货物可以在这里进行存放、加工甚至是轻制造,且这些操作皆不须立即支付关税或其他税款。 保税仓库:可以将其想象成一个在国家关税境内的安全设施,它会为您保管进口货物,直到关税缴纳完毕或等到货物再出口。简单来说,它...
自由贸易区(FTZ,Foreign/Free Trade Zone):可以将其想象成一个为了国际贸易活动所设计的国内免税港。货物可以在这里进行存放、加工甚至是轻制造,且这些操作皆不须立即支付关税或其他税款。 保税仓库:可以将其想象成一个在国家关税境内的安全设施,它会为您保管进口货物,直到关税缴纳完毕或等到货物再出口。简单来说,它...
A United States Foreign Trade Zone is a physical, secure area within the US, often located in or close to a Port of Entry. An FTZ is considered outside of the Customs territory of the United States and so shippers can avoid paying customs duties on items while they remain inside a zone...
FTZ No. 79 has an Interactive Free Trade Zone Map that makes it easy to determine the free trade areas in the Tampa Bay / I-4 Corridor region. Get started now!
A Free-Trade Zone (also called a Foreign-Trade zone) is an area within a facility where goods may be landed, stored, handled and re-exported under specificcustoms regulations, and generally not subject to customs duty. GEODIS’ expertise in Free-Trade Zone (FTZ) solutions help you admit fo...
Foreign Trade Zone, Vancouver Island, BC. Exporting products from Vancouver Island. Find significant cash flow advantages for your business through FTZVI.
How to Use a Foreign-Trade Zone Activities that can be conducted in an FTZ include assembling, packaging, destroying, storing, cleaning, exhibiting, repacking, distributing, sorting, grading, testing, labeling, repairing, processing, and combining foreign and domestic content. ...
对外贸易区;自由贸易区;外国贸易区见foreign trade zone. 相似单词 FTZ 对外贸易区;自由贸易区;外国贸易区见foreign trade zone.最新单词 antebrachium的中文意思 n. 前臂 antebellum的中文意思 a. 战前的,南北战争前的 anteater的中文翻译及音标 n. 食蚁兽 ante-什么意思及同义词 在...之前 ante的中文...
Foreign-Trade Zone (FTZ) #147 encompasses 11 counties in southcentral Pennsylvania – including Adams, Berks, Cumberland, Dauphin, Franklin, Fulton, Juniata, Lancaster, Lebanon, Perry, and York. There are numerous sites that are strategically located to offer convenient on-site inter-modal transport...
How can I benefit from Foreign-Trade Zone #202? 如何从202号自贸区中受益? * Defer Duty on Imports; * 延迟进口关税; * Reduce Duty on Imports Assembled, Processed, Manufactured &/or “kitted” in a Zone; * 减少在自贸区内组装、加工、制造的进口税; ...