FTX Bankruptcy Estate是指在加密货币交易所FTX破产时所形成的破产清算财产。在区块链和加密货币领域,由于市场波动等原因,交易所可能面临破产风险。在这种情况下,FTX Bankruptcy Estate将包括未清偿的债务、交易账户余额、数字资产等资产和负债。破产管理人将负责管理这
FTX破产财产概念(FTX Bankruptcy Estate)指的是在FTX交易所破产后,为清偿其债务和用户的资产索赔而设立的资产集合。FTX破产财产包括了公司在全球范围内的所有可回收资产,如现金、加密货币、实物资产、未清偿贷款、子公司持股等。其目的是集中管理这些资产,并通过法律程
币界网报道:据 Arkham 监测,大约半小时前,Alameda Research:FTX Bankruptcy Estate 标记地址从 Polygon 多签合约中接收了 1,563.9 万枚 POL,价值约 581 万美元,已破产的 Alamade Research 是 Polygon 的投资人之一。
币界网报道:据 Arkham 监测,大约半小时前,Alameda Research:FTX Bankruptcy Estate 标记地址从 Polygon 多签合约中接收了 1,563.9 万枚 POL,价值约 581 万美元,已破产的 Alamade Research 是 Polygon 的投资人之一。最新快讯03月05日1小时前 BTC反弹突破85000USDT,24H涨幅6.24% OKX 行情显示,BTC 反弹突破 ...
吴说获悉,据 Arkham 监测,Alameda Research: FTX Bankruptcy Estate 于本日 4:41 UTC+8 从 Bybit 中接收到了 344.4 万枚 MNT,价值约 389 万美元,这是该地址首次收到 MNT。此前,Bybit 协同的风投公司 Miran... 网页链接
Part of the estate’s distribution strategy has involved the selloff of FTX's SOL. In threeauctionsrunning up to April 2024, the bankruptcy estate sold 41 million SOL tokens. This was done carefully by FTX "to avoid crashing the market," Grigo explains. ...
On Tuesday, the FTX bankruptcy estate released $1.2 billion to affected customers with claims totaling less than $50,000. This initial distribution is the first step in a lengthy repayment plan, which could end up distributing a total of $16.5 billion. In a statement r...
On Tuesday, the FTX bankruptcy estate released $1.2 billion to affected customers with claims totaling less than $50,000. This initial distribution is the first step in a lengthy repayment plan, which could end up distributing a total of $16.5 billion. In a statement released on Tuesday...
Related:FTX bankruptcy estate files $1.8B lawsuit against Binance, CZ In bankruptcy court, a federal judgeapproved a reorganization planin October that may allow FTX’s debtors to repay 98% of users about 119% of their claimed account value. The scheme would reimburse the exchange’s customers...
Jan. 31– A lawyer representing the bankruptcy estate of FTX said the firm expects to fully repay customers. "There is still a great amount of work and risk between us and that result, but we believe the objective is within reach, and we have a strategy to achieve it," FTX attorney...