functional testpredictionBackground: The decline in lower limb muscle strength, one of the risk factors for falling in the older adults, puts older persons at an increased risk of falling. The assessment of the lower limb muscle strength is very important. Objective: The purpose of this study ...
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Humidity uniformity %RH ±3.0%RH Test range -55℃~+125℃(高温至少±85℃以上) 搜本商铺或 搜全站 您感兴趣的产品PRODUCTS YOU ARE INTERESTED IN 快速温变高低温试验箱 面议 可程式恒温恒湿试验箱价格 面议 紫外加速老化试验箱 面议 橡胶臭氧老化试验箱 面议 高低温湿热交变试验箱 面议 可程式...
虽然房屋的大部分都是新建筑,但并不能立即识别出来。 Positioned behind a significant heritage faade, the new extension is a cultural bridge between historical significance and modern progress. Embracing the consideration of time, the design response examines pinnacles of architecture and design throughout ...
11 healthy volunteers (6 males, 5 females) aged 23.08 (std: 0.26) performed resting and two Sit-to-Stand (STS) protocols; Timed Up and Go (TUG) and Five Times Sit-to-Stand Test (FTSST) in two different sequences. ECG readings were taken using a Polar H7 heart rate sensor and ...