在Linux中,ftpd是一个用于文件传输的服务器程序,它允许用户通过FTP协议访问和传输文件。ftpd在Linux中有许多参数可以用来配置和控制其行为。以下是一些常见的ftpd参数: 1. -w,指定ftpd的工作目录,即用户登录后所处的默认目录。 2. -t,指定ftpd的数据传输端口范围。 3. -u,指定ftpd的用户身份验证方式,可以是本地...
ftpd_etc_t - Set files with the ftpd_etc_t type, if you want to store ftpd files in the /etc directories. ftpd_exec_t - Set files with the ftpd_exec_t type, if you want to transition an executable to the ftpd_t domain. Paths: /usr/bin/ftpwho, /usr/bin/vsftpd, /usr/bin/in...
/usr/sbin/ftpd[-d] [-DDataConnTimeOut] [-e][-f] [-ff] [-k] [-l] [-U] [-tTimeOut] [-TMaxTimeOut] [-s] [-uOctalVal] [-q[-C]] [-c] [-H] 説明 /usr/sbin/ftpdデーモンは、 DARPA インターネット・ファイル転送プロトコル (FTP)サーバー・プロセスです。ftpdデ...
* Step 2: If you have Cdialog or Xdialog installed on your system, try the following command to build and install Pure-FTPd: make -f Makefile.gui If you don't have Cdialog or if you prefer the conventional way, here it is: ./configure make install-strip Et voila! The software is...
/usr/sbin/ftpd[-d] [-DDataConnTimeOut] [-e] [-f] [-ff] [-k] [-l] [-U] [-tTimeOut] [-TMaxTimeOut] [-s] [-uOctalVal] [-q[-C]] [-c] [-H] 描述 /usr/sbin/ftpd守护程序是 DARPA 因特网文件传输协议 (FTP)服务器进程。ftpd守护程序使用传输控制协议 (TCP) 在/etc/服务文...
[-S [address,][port]] [-t upload bandwidth:download bandwidth] [-T upload bandwidth:download bandwidth] [-u uid] [-U umask files:umask dirs] [-v bonjour name] [-V ip address] [-w] [-W] [-x] [-X] [-y max user sessions:max anon sessions] [-Y tls behavior] [-z] [-Z]...
You can override the -T option through use of the ftpaccess(4) file. -t timeout Set the inactivity timeout period to timeout seconds. The default timeout period is 900 seconds (15 minutes). You can override the -t option through use of the ftpaccess(4) file. -u umask Set the ...
; static void ftpd_dataerr(void *arg, err_t err) { struct ftpd_datastate *fsd = arg; LWIP_DEBUGF(FTPD_DEBUG, ("ftpd_dataerr: %s (%i)\n", lwip_strerr(err), err)); if (fsd == NULL) return; fsd->msgfs->datafs = NULL; fsd->msgfs->state = FTPD_IDLE; free(fsd); } ...
void upload_common(session_t *sess, int is_append) static void do_stor(session_t *sess) static void do_appe(session_t *sess) 1. 2. 3. sysutil.h int lock_file_read(int fd); int lock_file_write(int fd); int unlock_file(int fd); ...
Jul 30 12:34:31 ftp pure-ftpd[2164441]: (?@?) [ERROR] Sorry, but that file doesn't exist: [/etc/ssl/private/pure-ftpd.pem] By reading this error, it looks like a typical permission problem. However the documentation (README.TLS) confirms that chmod 600 should be set on ...