}//FTPClient#_storeFile()protectedboolean_storeFile(String command, String remote, InputStream local)throwsIOException {//1. 创建并连接用于传输 FTP 数据的 SocketSocket socket =_openDataConnection_(command, remote);//...//2. 设置传输监听,这里出现了一个timeoutCSL csl =null;if(__controlKeepAlive...
ftpclient sendnoop 是指在使用 Apache Commons Net 库中的 FTPClient 类时,调用 sendNoOp() 方法。NOOP(No Operation)是 FTP 协议中的一个命令,用于告知服务器客户端仍然在线,但不执行任何操作。这个命令通常用于保持 FTP 连接不被服务器因空闲超时而关闭。
The FTPClient class will detect a premature FTP server connection closing when it receives aFTPReply.SERVICE_NOT_AVAILABLEresponse to a command.将检测的FTPClient类FTP服务器连接过早关闭,当它收到FTPReply.SERVICE_NOT_AVAILABLE响应命令。 When that occurs, the FTP class method encountering that reply wi...
1 sun.net.ftp.FtpProtocolException: PORT :501 PORT not allowed after EPSV ALL, active mode off 很多ftp服务器传输时采用被动模式,可用命令ftpClient.sendServer("PASV")解决。后面不要int reply = ftpClient.readServerResponse();否则问题依旧。 2 java.net.SocketException: Connection reset 导致此问题的出...
cmd='QUIT' self.send(cmd) self.printServerReply(self.getServerReply()) self.statusMSG='Logged out, Connection Closed' defcheckConnection(self): cmd='NOOP' self.send(cmd) self.printServerReply(self.getServerReply()) Copy lines Copy permalink...
#Close connection cmd='QUIT' self.send(cmd) self.printServerReply(self.getServerReply()) self.statusMSG='Logged out, Connection Closed' defcheckConnection(self): cmd='NOOP' self.send(cmd) self.printServerReply(self.getServerReply())
The FTPClient class will detect a premature FTP server connection closing when it receives a FTPReply.SERVICE_NOT_AVAILABLE response to a command. When that occurs, the FTP class method encountering that reply will throw an FTPConnectionClosedException . 16、FTPConnectionClosedException is a ...
It's so clear. Send command, receive "OK" command, send data, receive data, and that's all. But first we should prepare the server. FTP servers can be run in "active" or "passive" mode. Active mode is a server based connection and passive is a client based connection. Let's see...
varREPLY_CODE = {"110":"Restart marker reply.","120":"Service ready in nn minutes.","125":"Data Connection already open; transfer starting.","150":"File status okay; about to open data connection.","200":"Command okay.","202":"Command not implemented, superfluous at this site.",...
True if successfully completed, false if not. True如果成功完成,否则为false。 Throws: 抛出: FTPConnectionClosedException- If the FTP server prematurely closes the connection as a result of the client being idle or some other reason causing the server to send FTP reply code 421.FTPConnectionClosed...