步驟4:使用“跨雲碟傳輸”將檔案從FTP傳輸到Google雲端硬碟。點選“跨雲碟傳輸”,選擇您的FTP賬號下的資料夾作為源目錄,選擇Google雲端硬碟下的資料夾作為目標目錄,點選“立即傳輸”執行傳輸過程。 將檔案從FTP傳輸到Google雲端硬碟 小貼士: 想要定期將檔案從FTP遷移到Google雲端硬碟,您可以啟用“計劃”功能,這樣Mult...
第2步:將Google Drive和FTP添加到MultCloud 透過點選“添加雲端硬碟”按鈕將FTP和Google Drive添加到MultCloud。選中Google Drive/FTP,然後進行帳號授權作業。 將FTP和Google Drive添加到MultCloud 選擇“Google Drive”後,頁面會自動跳轉到官方網站授權MultCloud。這是因為Google Drive支援OAuth,而OAuth是MultCloud的授權...
相互陪伴 共同成長大家好 我是古奇哥 這是大家都很熟悉的 Google Drive 的登入畫面這是 OneDrive 的登入畫面而這是我的華芸 asustor NAS 的登入畫面 這個是古奇哥的專屬網站可以連結到我的賣場跟我的 YouTube 頻道而它也是利用asustor 建置的 之前跟大家分享過華芸家庭NAS的視頻影片收到很多網友的詢問並也提出一些...
出现这种情况主要的原因是文档的权限设置问题,用户可能将文档配置为 anyoneCanFind, anyoneWithLink, doma...
Rclone,Linux下,可挂载Google Drive、OneDrive、WebDAV、FTP等等,堪称神器。下面是安装和使用教程。 一、安装Rclone 下面的操作基于Centos系统 1、安装必须的应用 yum -y install wget unzip screen fuse fuse-devel 2、安装Rclone curl https://rclone.org/install.sh | sudo bash ...
Map Google Drive as a network drive on macOS. Get access to your Google Drive accounts, manage documents with Commander One. This reliable Google Drive client for Mac provides easy access to all your cloud data. View, copy, delete your files with our Goo
While cloud storage services like Dropbox or Google Drive are convenient, FTP offers more control over your data. With FTP, you're not relying on other providers to store your files. Plus, FTP can handle larger file sizes and faster transfer speeds. ...
Golang based autonomous FTP server with SFTP, S3, Dropbox, and Google Drive connectors. gogolangftps3google-driveftp-serverafero UpdatedDec 23, 2024 Go etix/mirrorbits Star516 Code Issues Pull requests Mirrorbits is a geographical download redirector written in Go for distributing files efficiently...
可能速度慢):Cyberduck | Libre server and cloud storage browser for Mac and Windows with support...
What is SmartFTP? SmartFTP is an FTP (File Transfer Protocol), FTPS, SFTP, WebDAV, Amazon S3, Backblaze B2, Google Drive, OneDrive, SSH, Terminal client. It allows you to transfer files between your local computer and a server on the Internet. With its many basic and advancedFeatures...