I have just started a windows 2016 server and configured IIS and started a FTP site. The ftp site works through the command prompt i.e. c:>ftp localhost. running this command logs me in and I can enter my user name, then password and I am logged in. So this is working fine on th...
If non-encrypted FTP also does not work for you, then the fault is on the FTP server, and you will need to contact the FTP server administrator to ask them to resolve the issue. Sometimes the question arises –“Why does this work for me in (some FTP program, e.g. Filezilla), but...
I'm connecting to a FTP server using windows command prompt. When I use "ls" command or "get" command it hang/not responding. Tried in active mode or passive mode. Both mode not working. Same problem. During passive mode, FTP server used the port not in the passive mode port range d...
The FTP server does not use the default port number, and the port number of the FTP server is not specified when the FTP server is accessed from the FTP client. The FTP user information, working directory, and user privilege level are not configured on the FTP server. The number of onlin...
Webmin wu-ftp module is not working Hi All, My webmin server( on 11i) can not recognize WU-FTP server, it says like below: "The FTP server /usr/contrib/wuftpd/usr/lbin/ftpd does not appear to be WU-FTPd. Maybe you are using an older FTPd provided with your operating system, or ...
FTP not working on old Version VMS 6.2 Hi All, Have a very old version of VMS running (6.2) an old Application on a Virtual Charon configuration SInce yesterday when we try to ftp 'servername' it hangs However when you log onto server and ftp outwards it connects fine to other...
Here is what I've done so far I've installed ftp.simple, I've watched the YouTube video, I've created a SFTP config for a remote server in the ftp-simple-temp-json, and I've run the command: Open the file directly from FTP server, among others. I'm using SFTP, not FTP, I'...
FTP Connection not working - Connecting to FTP server doesn't work. Previous Topic Next Topic Tools JBradshaw Free support Topic Starter 10 years ago #1 I'm trying to connect to an FTP server and no matter what I do I get the error 'The requested name is valid, but no data of...
It takes me about 15 minutes to setup FTP on a Windows 2012 R2 server. I have been working on this for a week now. I am new to Azure but I have been a developer for a few decades and I have to think that it cannot be this difficult to get files onto an Azure Virtual Machine…...
If you do not perform this step, the FTP service cannot be enabled. Enable the FTP server function. ftp [ ipv6 ] server enable By default, the FTP server function is disabled. (Optional) Configure the source address of the FTP server. ftp server-source { -a source-ip-...