Caused by: org.apache.commons.vfs2.FileSystemException: Cant open output connection for file "ftp://test:***@". Reason: "553 Can't open that file: No such file or directory ". at org.apache.commons.vfs2.FileSystemException.requireNonNull(FileSystemException...
%Error copying ftp://USER:*@ (Error opening source file): No such file or directory The error message occurs even if I specify the full path of the file and no matter what the dstination on the ASR. I can ping the server IP from the...
%Error copying ftp://USER:*@ (Error opening source file): No such file or directory The error message occurs even if I specify the full path of the file and no matter what the dstination on the ASR. I can ping the server IP from the...
:user): user 331 Please specify the password. Password: 230 Login successful. Remote system type is UNIX. Using binary mode to transfer files. ftp> put myfile.txt /remote/path/ local: myfile.txt remote: /remote/path/myfile.txt 550 /remote/path/myfile.txt: No such file or directory...
put: /etc/westos: No such file or directory lftp westos@> rm -fr group 可以删除是因为开启了本地用户删除 rm ok, `group' removed lftp westos@> put /etc/group 865 bytes transferred lftp westos@> ls ...
"Could not process file '<getThisFile>.xml': 550 outbox: No such file or directory." where '<getThisFile>.xml' is filename and "outbox" is the directory. I presume that it recognizes the filename and the directory but the error message says "di...
chroot_local_user=[YES|NO] 是否将用户权限禁锢在 FTP 目录,以确保安全 local_max_rate=0 本地用户最大传输速率(字节/秒), 0 为不限制 vsftpd 作为更加安全的文件传输的服务程序,允许用户以三种认证模式登录到 FTP 服务器上。 匿名开放模式:是一种最不安全的认证模式,任何人都可以无需密码验证而直接登录到...
key ssl_enable=NO # # Uncomment this to indicate that vsftpd use a utf8 filesystem. #utf8_filesystem=YES #配置ftp服务器的上传下载文件所在的目录。 local_root=/home/ftpfile #this directory is for ftp server to save download or upload data 1.3 配置用户 新建/etc/vsftpd.chroot_list 文件,...
550 ../b: No such file or directory #退出 ftp> bye 221 Goodbye. 模拟a2用户登陆: ~ ftp #建立连接 ftp> open 连接到。 220 ProFTPD 1.3.4a Server ( FTP Server) [::ffff:] 用户( a2 ...
tcpsvd: can't execute 'ftpd': No such fileor directory (zedboard开发板出现的错误,通过串口显示的) 而pc机显示的是远程的host关闭了。郁闷了好久,终于找到了解决的办法,就是用另外的一张sd拷贝了demo系统进去试试,果然是可以成功的,说明原因就出在这个ramdisk8M的文件系统上面了。