range type=tcp src_ports=11000:12000 dst_port=10001; stream { upstream ctl_upstream { hash $remote_addr consistent; server; } server { listen 21 ssl; ftp_ctrl zone=ftp_zone:10M proxy_ip= min_port=11000 max_port=12000; ssl_protocols TLSv1 TLSv1.1 TLSv1...
...close 终止当前的ftp会话hash 每次传输完数据缓冲区中的数据后就显示一个#号get(mget) 从远程机传送指定文件到本地机put(mput) 从本地机传送指定文件到远程机open 连接远程ftp...如果在会话期间只想与一台计算机连接,那么在命令行上指定远程主机名或IP地址作为ftp命令的参数。◆终止ftp会话 close、disconnect...
What I think should work would be to check the office router's forwarding, to open the FTP ports into the ServU 2000server. So that, when you connect from outside to the public IP address(213.223.x.x)of your office, the router/firewall would then forward the FTP request into the ser...
systemctl start firewalld firewall-cmd --zone=public --list-ports --permanent#查看开放端口 firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=18021/tcp --permanent #被动式端口 firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=30000-31000/tcp --permanent firewall-cmd --reload 3)设置vsftpd.conf配置文件 vi /et...
While passive mode does resolve issues for client-side firewall interference with data connections, it can complicate administration of the server-side firewall. You can reduce the number of open ports on a server by limiting the range of unprivileged ports on theFTPserver. This also simplifies ...
()>>>demo_server.run()FTP服务器启动:<pyftpdlib.servers.FTPServerlistening127.0.0.1:10005at0x1b2bef0afc8>FTPdemo服务器启动.[I2020-04-2116:55:12]concurrency model:async[I2020-04-2116:55:12]masquerade(NAT)address:None[I2020-04-2116:55:12]passive ports:None[I2020-04-2116:55:12]>>>...
Please configure the passive mode settings and forward a range of ports in your router. “Edit”-“Setting”或直接点击设置按钮(齿轮); 选择“Passive mode settings”选项卡,勾选“Use the following IP:”并填写服务器的IP地址(注外网地址),之后点击“OK”保存; 3.2 425 Can't open data connection ...
forward-ports: icmp-blocks: rich rules: [root@localhost ~]# cd /var/ftp/ 所有操作在此目录下 [root@localhost ftp]# ls pub [root@localhost ftp]# touch xfl [root@localhost ftp]# ls pub xfl [root@localhost ftp]# lftp 测试进去可以看到建立的文件xfl ...
问题:You appear to be behind a NAT router. Please configure the passive mode settings and forward a range of ports in your router. 解决方法: “Edit”-“Setting”或直接点击设置按钮(齿轮); 选择“Passive mode settings”选项卡,勾选“Use the following IP:”并填写服务器的IP地址,之后点击“OK”...
Password-protected FTP.This is also a basic FTP service, but it requires the use of a username and password, though the service might not be encrypted or secure. It also works on the same ports as anonymous FTP. FTP Secure(FTPS).Sometimes referred to as FTPSecure Sockets Layer(FTP-SSL)...