FTP文件夹错误 200 PORT command successful 501Syntax error parameters ftp文件夹错误550 当收到 "550 Failed to change directory" 的错误消息时,表示尝试更改目录时出现问题。这个错误通常与FTP(文件传输协议)或类似的文件传输工具有关。 "550 Failed to change directory" 错误消息通常有以下几种可能的原因: 目标...
500 Syntax error, command unrecognized. 语法错误,命令无法识别。这可能包括诸如命令行太长之类的错误。 501 Syntax error in parameters or arguments. 在参数中有语法错误。 502 Command not implemented. 未执行命令。 503 Bad sequence of commands. 错误的命令序列。 504 Command not implemented for that param...
PORT PASV TYPE STRU* MODE* RETR STOR STOU* APPE* ALLO* REST* RNFR* RNTO* ABOR* DELE RMD MKD PWD LIST NLST SITE* SYST STAT* HELP NOOP* XCUP XCWD XMKD XPWD XRMD 214 Direct comments to H3C company. # 查看协议命令user的帮助信息。 [ftp] remotehelp user 214 Syntax: USER <sp> ...
500 Syntax error, command unrecognized. 语法错误,命令无法识别。这可能包括诸如命令行太长之类的错误。 501 Syntax error in parameters or arguments. 在参数中有语法错误。 502 Command not implemented. 未执行命令。 503 Bad sequence of commands. 错误的命令序列。 504 Command not implemented for that param...
500 Syntax error, command unrecognized. This may include errors such as command line too long. 语法错误,不可识别的命令。 这可能是命令行过长。 --- 501 Syntax error in parameters or arguments. 参数错误导致的语法错误 --- 502 Command not implemented...
命令:> REST 0 350 Restarting at 0. Send STORE or RETRIEVE. 命令:> PORT 10,7,72,20,5,71 530 Only client IP address allowed for PORT command. 错误:> 未登录。 错误:> 建立资料 socket 失败。 状态:> 连接已关闭。 有些ftp要求使用post,一般默认pasv,这是应该使用pasv,错用post所致不能登陆...
500 Syntax error, command unrecognized. This may include errors such as command line too long. 语法错误,不可识别的命令。 这可能是命令行过长。 501 Syntax error in parameters or arguments. 参数错误导致的语法错误 502 Command not implemented. ...
解决办法是在该ftp标签的站点设置中,设置为被动模式pasv模式.同样,如果前面有网友出现200 port command successful. 连不上的情况,也用上面方法 1. connected. waiting for response. 220 serv-u ftp server v4.0 for winsock ready... user anonymous 530 sorry, no anonymous access allowed. quit 不允许匿名...
Change the FTP host and port, as a spelling error in the FTP hostname or a wrong FTP port may lead to a connection error. In some cases, the firewall or anti-virus software blocks the FTP connection. If this is the cause of the connection error, change the settings of your firewall...
Syntax ftpobj = ftp(host) ftpobj = ftp(host,username) ftpobj = ftp(host,username,password) ftpobj = ftp(host,username,password,Name,Value) Description ftpobj = ftp(host) opens a connection to the FTP server host and returns an FTP connection object. You can only use this syntax with ...