web-GUI for Temperature monitoring: /cpursx.ps3, /cpursx.html & /tempc.html or /tempf.html (gauges) 2 GUI Themes: sMAN-like graphical interface & webMAN original theme LaunchPad integration (DeViL303's mod to use What's New section to mount games) ...
如图: 2011-5-8 16:34:44 上传下载附件 (59.62 KB) 当你插上移动硬盘的时候,若事先建立好 GAMES(GAMEZ 等均可)文件夹,并将类似 BCAS25005 这类的游戏镜像拷入的话,则可以直接在 multiman 上识别此游戏 我们从图上可以清楚地看到,X 键是载入游戏,O 键是复制(一般为外置复制到内置,或者 内置复制到外置...
怎么会上传不进去呢 你确定你设置好IP了么 网络邻居里IP设置成跟PS3差不多 然后站点管理器什么的吧两边都连接上 左边PC右边PS3 上传游戏的话 直接在B开头的游戏文件夹右键传送 下面就自己工作了、 有些游戏还要下载PKG什么的安装一下
web-GUI for Temperature monitoring: /cpursx.ps3, /cpursx.html & /tempc.html or /tempf.html (gauges) 2 GUI Themes: sMAN-like graphical interface & webMAN original theme LaunchPad integration (DeViL303's mod to use What's New section to mount games) PhotoGUI integration (DeViL303's mod...
It doesn't have a GUI yet so it will give you a black screen while running. It is still working though. If you don't know your PS3's IP address you will need to check your router to see what it is. Developer Site | Permalink Files Release Notes Name Version Released Hits DL ...
PS3 FTP Server v0.1 by CJPC Last Release: Sep 7, 2010 Downloads: 23240 *We recommend using PS3 FTP Server by blackb0x as it supports multiple connections! This is essentially the very first FTP homebrew app that was created for the PlayStation 3. Although it proved to be very ...
Gamers are more likely to enjoy their session when there is a varied selection of engaging games to pick from. In conclusion, it is crucial to examine the site’s customer assistance. Effective customer support can make a big difference, especially for first-time users who may have concerns ...
PS3 Manager API Support (PS3MAPI) Integrated Mysis video_rec plugin and get klicensee Support for .ntfs[BDFILE] (fake ISO created by IRISMAN) Support to mount NTFS games using raw_iso.sprx (rawseciso by Estwald) Support for auto-fix games that require higher FW version (4.20 and later...
FTP Server v1.2 by blackb0x Last Release: Oct 9, 2010 Downloads: 234475 A threaded, multi-connection FTP server for the Playstation 3. It works extremely well with this Brew Manager. Highly Recommended. Stealth version uses COD:MW2's titleid to allow it to be "hidden" while playing ...