07:36 Windows11文件共享 10:18 Windows11映射网络驱动器 02:26 Windows11添加FTP客户端 01:32 Windows10 沙盒 02:20 Windows11 简易虚拟机 Windows沙盒 01:24 Ventoy制作U盘启动盘 02:03 U盘引导WMware虚拟机 01:48 U盘引导 WMware 虚拟机 02:35 手机无线投屏电脑 01:16 在...
win11系统搭建FTP服务器超详细流程 今天主要详细介绍如何在windows 11系统中快速搭建一个本地的FTP服务器,该配置也适用于其他windows版本。 1.配置IIS web服务器 打开运行窗口【win+R】快捷键,输入optionalfeatures后点击确定: 在弹窗中找到 Internet信息服务,并打开勾选以下配置 点击确定 2.配置IIS web站点 首先 我们...
Windows11通过IIS发布FTP站点 防火墙设置 1.打开Windows防火墙 2.点击“允许应用通过防火墙”; 3.如果采用默认的端口,放行“FTP文件服务器”; 4.点击“允许其他应用”按钮,将%SystemRoot%\System32\svchost.exe加入; 5.如果采用自定义的端口,打开防火墙高级设置; 6.新建入站规则,放行TCP协议的相应端口。 参考文献 w...
Accessing the FTP client on Windows 11 Windows 11 comes with an FTP client you can use right from the command line, no need for third-party software. First off, follow the steps below to open CMD: Hit the“Start”button and type“cmd”in the search bar. Click on“Command Prompt”to b...
1. 在Download(下载)中创建一个文件夹“”(名字可随意) ,选中文件夹,右键->“Pin to Quick access(固定到快速访问)" 2. 单机文件浏览器中的"Home(家)"选项,同时选中FTP和新增的文件夹""项目,右键选择"Unpin from Quick access(从快捷访问中取消即可)"...
I have been using wwip to perform ftp downloads for years. I seem to be having issues on windows 11 that worked fine on windows 10 I can make a connection but no files are brought down. I tried the sample using wwftp but have the same issue. What can I do to make it work in ...
Provides troubleshooting for the issue that shared folders can't be accessed from File Explorer in Windows 10. Scenario: Build an FTP Site on IIS File Transfer Protocol (FTP) simple is a protocol for transferring files between computer systems. IIS 8 includes an FTP server that is easy to...
1 打开Windows server 2016,打开【控制面板\系统和安全\Windows 防火墙】,在Windows防火墙中选择【高级设置】。2 在开启【高级安全Windows防火墙】中选择【入站规则】,在最右边点击【新建规则】。3 根据创建入站规则向导中,在要创建的规则类型下面点击选择【端口】,点击【下一步】继续。4 .因为这里设置FTP的访问...