针对“ftp failed to retrieve directory listing”的问题,以下是一些可能的解决步骤和检查点: 检查FTP服务器连接状态: 确保FTP服务器正在运行并且网络连接正常。 尝试使用命令行工具(如ftp命令或lftp)连接到FTP服务器,看是否能够成功连接。 确认FTP登录凭据是否正确: 确保你使用的用户名和密码是正确的。 如果FTP服...
目前,Windows 系统已经占据了绝大部分的桌面市场,同时在服务器市场也占有较大比重。长期以来,由于病毒...
Error:Failed to retrieve directory listing though I could access the folders if I browsed the existing folders by entering it in the remote directory field. Still no files or folders would show. There's a good bit of information from the source link listed below but the settings didn't...
directory.Command:PWDResponse:257"/"iscurrent directory.Command:TYPE IResponse:200TypesettoICommand:PORT192,168,0,13,205,63Response:200Port command successfulCommand:MLSDResponse:150Opening data channelfordirectory listingof"/"Response:425Can't open data connection for transfer of "/"Error:Failedto...
默认就是了。 后边使用FileZilla Server Interface的时候,也默认就可以了~~ 好像FileZilla设计这个端口是...
Problem #2: Command: PASV Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (<your public ip here>,211,117). Command: LIST Response: 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection. Error: Connection timed out Error: Failed to retrieve directory listing So you’re actually running up against two problems here that...
void ftpClient_FtpAuthenticationFailed(object sender, EventArgs e) { logger.AddLog("Authentication failed"); } void ftpClient_FtpAuthenticationSucceeded(object sender, EventArgs e) { logger.AddLog("Authentication succeeded"); } Directory Browsing FTP provides support for directory browsing, but this...
修改客户端连接时使用的参数或者服务器的通过参数listen_port设置端口为990,问题解决。 6)500 OOPS:一般是配置文件缺失,参数错误,权限问题,具体问题具体分析。 7)550 Failed to open file:可能是权限问题,文件缺失,具体问题
问题:写了一个Camel的FTP传输程序,在本地Win7和Ubuntu下运行都正常,但是在Redhat中报“File operation failed: 150 Here comes the directory listing”异常 解决方法: 首先贴出修改前的代码以及错误,如下: 代码: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><beansxmlns="http://www.springframework.org/schema/...