如果已达到最大失败次数,该方法会将客户端 IP 地址添加到数据库的已阻止 IP 地址列表中。 当FTP 客户端与服务器断开连接时,FTP 服务会调用提供程序的 Log() 方法并发送“ControlChannelClosed”消息。 Log() 方法利用此通知对会话执行垃圾回收。其他说明此提供程序提...
當FTP 用戶端與伺服器中斷連線時,FTP 服務會呼叫提供者的Log()方法,並傳送 “ControlChannelClosed” 訊息。Log()方法會利用此通知來執行會話的垃圾收集。 其他注意事項 此提供者會公開使用者和IP位址驗證的功能,但不會提供角色查閱的實作。 也就是說,將額外的數據表新增至使用...
2009-03-17 19:51:56 ::1 56393 – FTPSVC<ID> <ComputerName> - ::1 21 ControlChannelClosed - - 0 0 160 16 0 de582c8c-5f2b-4419-bef1-16c90b28925e - --- From x-debug information, we got the following informationSSL+policy+requires+SSL+for+control+channel....
这个IP.. ***.***.***.*** 2111 ControlChannelClosed 关闭的意思把 参考下 2008-12-17 00:43:05 SERVER\NonSecureUser PASS *** 230 0 2008-12-17 00:43:08 SERVER\NonSecureUser EPSV - 229 0 2008-12-17 00:43:08 SERVER\NonSecureUser DataChannelOpened - ...
When an FTP client disconnects from the server, the FTP service calls the provider'sLog()method and sends the "ControlChannelClosed" message. TheLog()method takes advantage of this notification to perform garbage collection for the session. ...
Net Information: 0 : [1988] FtpControlStream#15713638 - Sending command [USER ***] System.Net Information: 0 : [1988] SecureChannel#47899302::.ctor(hostname=7*.***.***.***, #clientCertificates=0, encryptionPolicy=RequireEncryption) System.Net Information: 0 : [1988] SecureChannel#...
2012-01-15 02:08:16 123.456.789.0 user01 40063 DataChannelOpened - - 0 0 2012-01-15 02:08:16 123.456.789.0 user01 40063 DataChannelClosed - - 1236 38 2012-01-15 02:08:16 123.456.789.0 user01 21 STOR file.txt 425 1236 0 ...
6 Github Actions setup #663 openedAug 8, 2024byjemshit 2 Protocol 'sftp' not supported by curl #662 openedMar 28, 2024bytimwegenerDE 3 550 SSL/TLS required on the control channel #661 openedDec 21, 2023bytbarbette 2 could not resolve host ...
The stream objects are actually wrappers around NetworkStream and SslStream which perform cleanup routines on the control connection when the stream is closed. These cleanup routines can trigger exceptions so it's vital that you properly dispose the objects when you are done, no matter what. A ...
FTP550Permissiondenied只能建文件夹,没法删除及上传文件的原因说明 FTP550Permissiondenied只能建⽂件夹,没法删除及上 传⽂件的原因说明 出现这种问题,①⾸先检查⽤户对应的⾓⾊名,然后看路径设置是否正确,有没有相关的权限,如果这些都没问题,然后就尝试下⾯的操作:②重起FTP服务,最好从服务⾥...