一、 ftp命令 1.登录:ftp 192.168.xx.xx 回车后输入用户名和密码 或者 直接输入ftp 回车 再输入open 192.168.XX.XX 2.常用命令:ls和dir 显示文件列表 cd 目录 和cd … 切换ftp服务器路径 lcd 切换本地目录 put和get 上传、下载文件 send 上传文件 mget 下载多个文件 rename filename 重命名ftp服务器文件 ...
In the current version of FTP, an FTP client can use only the-C,-1,-l,-F,-a, or-Acommand-line options with the NLST command. For example, the-roption (for the reverse sort direction) and the-toption (for sort by time of last write) no longer work. Because these command-line ...
请求体(Request Body):可选,包含要发送到服务器的数据(如表单数据)。示例请求:GET /index.html HTTP/1.1Host: www.example.comUser-Agent: Mozilla/5.0Accept: text/htmlHTTP响应一个HTTP响应由以下部分组成:状态行(Status Line):包含HTTP版本、状态码和状态描述。响应头(Response Headers):包含描述...
Add two ASCII mode options. Add an option to show directory list output from the FTP LIST command in IIS FTP or DOS DIR command output format. Fixed a bug in SFTP, where a file opened by the first user will prevent other users from sharing and downloading this file. ...
FTP commands are Telnet strings terminated by the Telnet end of line code. The command codes themselves are alphabetic character strings terminated by the character <Space> if parameters follow and <CRLF> otherwise.转载自:https://blog.csdn.net/wanghaihao_1/article/details/38266433。
WinSCP Go to Options > Preferences > Transfer > Edit > Preserve timestamp > Disable. FileZilla Go to Transfer > Preserve timestamps of transferred files > Disable. Incomplete or delayed results When an FTP trigger checks for a newly created, added, or updated file, the trigger also checks ...
cURL(CommandLine Uniform Resource Locator),是一个利用 URL 语法,在命令行终端下使用的网络请求工具,支持 HTTP、HTTPS、FTP 等协议。cURL 也有用于程序开发使用的版本libcurl。 Linux、MAC 一般系统默认已安装好 curl,直接在终端使用命令即可,如果需要手动安装,可以到 curl.haxx.se 下载安装。
WinSCP is a popular free file manager for Windows supporting SFTP, FTP, FTPS, SCP, S3, WebDAV and local-to-local file transfers. A powerful tool to enhance your productivity with a user-friendly interface and automation options like .NET assembly. ...
FTP clientAction WinSCP Go to Options > Preferences > Transfer > Edit > Preserve timestamp > Disable. FileZilla Go to Transfer > Preserve timestamps of transferred files > Disable. Incomplete or delayed results When an FTP trigger checks for a newly created, added, or updated file, the trig...
curl [options] [URL...]三、URL格式 URL的格式定义要参考 RFC 1808 。地址:http://www.w3.org/Addressing/rfc1808.txt《Relative Uniform Resource Locators 》URL由三部分组成:资源类型、存放资源的主机域名、资源文件名。也可认为由4部分组成:协议、主机、端口、路径URL的一般语法格式为:protocol :// host...