用户名:ftpname 密码:ftppwd。 当前要通过命令行将D:\ftpin目录下的file.doc上传到目标服务器,从服务器下载的步骤如下: 1.“开始”-“运行”-输入“FTP”(这是P话) 2.open /*这一步可以与第一步合并,在“运行”里直接输入”ftp″。 如果你的FTP服务器不是用的21默认端...
storbinary(command, file):以二进制模式上传文件到服务器。retrbinary(command, callback):以二进制模式...
You need to use mget command as follows to copy multiple files from the remote ftp server to the local system. You may be prompted for a yes/no (Y/N) answer before transferring each file (you can disable prompt by passing the -i option to ftp client). To download all files, enter:...
...说明: 1. remote-file 指远程文件,即服务器上的文件 2. local-file 指本地文件,即本地机器上的文件 2 登录登出命令 2.1 ftp $ ftp close FTP> close 结束与远程服务器的 FTP 会话并返回命令解释程序,没有跳出ftp子程序,可以用open命令重新登录。...如果没有指定 command,ftp将...
...说明: 1. remote-file 指远程文件,即服务器上的文件 2. local-file 指本地文件,即本地机器上的文件 2 登录登出命令 2.1 ftp $ ftp disconnect FTP> disconnect 从远程服务器断开,但还在FTP子命令内,保留 ftp 提示。disconnect是close的别名。...如果没有指定 command,ftp将显示全部...
FTP command否文本值与任何参数一起运行的命令。 例如,您可以在这里运行 FEAT 或 CHMOD Valid reply code(s)是文本值可通过命令返回的代码,使用分号分隔。 如果 FTP 命令返回未在此处输入的代码,此操作将引发异常。 仅适用于简单 FTP 或 FTPS 连接
# Run the dir command on the switch to check whether the system software is downloaded to the switch. <HUAWEI> dir Directory of flash:/ Idx Attr Size(Byte) Date Time FileName 0 -rw- 14 Mar 13 2012 14:13:38 back_time_a 1 drw- - Mar 11 2012 00:58:54 logfile 2 -rw- 4 Nov ...
server stops sending them. If the remote server does not support the ABOR instruction, theftpcommand does not display theftp>prompt until the remote server has sent all of the requested file. Additionally, if the remote server does something unexpected, you may need to end the localftpprocess...
Downloading a file: To download a file from the server, use thegetcommand with the file name. ftp> get <file-name> Like,get report.pdfwould download “report.pdf”. Uploading a file: To send a file to the server, use theputcommand with the file name. ...
The command downloads a file from a server using the FTP protocol. defVar --name success --type Boolean // Downloads a file from a specific root folder in the server by using FTP. ftpDownload --file "local path\\folder1\\folder2\\file" --type "Ftp" --host hostAddress --ftpusernam...