ftpClient.connect(hostname, port);if(FTPReply.isPositiveCompletion(ftpClient.getReplyCode())) {if(ftpClient.login(username, password)) {if(FTPReply.isPositiveCompletion(ftpClient.sendCommand("OPTS UTF8", "ON"))) {//开启服务器对UTF-8的支持,如果服务器支持就用UTF-8编码,否则就使用本地编码(GB...
FTPClient 1.0.0 官方版 软件大小:310 KB 软件语言:英文 更新时间:2024-02-27 授权:免费软件 适用平台:Win8,Win7,WinXP 推荐度:6分 无病毒 点击查看大图 软件介绍 FTPClient是一款上传下载的好工具,小而精,界面友好,免安装。下载一个应用最广泛、最强大的Windows FTP客户端可用。
ftpClient.connect(hostname, port);//连接ftp服务器ftpClient.login(username, password);//登录ftp服务器intreplyCode = ftpClient.getReplyCode();//是否成功登录服务器if(!FTPReply.isPositiveCompletion(replyCode)) {returnflag; } ftpClient.setFileType(ftpClient.BINARY_FILE_TYPE);//ftpClient.makeDirectory(...
点击“连接”,如果一切设置正确,你就可以成功连接到FTP服务器并进行文件传输了。 搭建一个FTP服务器需要一些技术知识和操作步骤,但遵循以上步骤,你应该能够成功搭建一个Windows 7系统的FTP服务器。 安装Internet Information Services(IIS):首先,确保在Windows 7系统上已安装IIS组件。在控制面板中选择“程序”,然后点击...
01.WinSCP(for Windows) WinSCP is one of the most sought-out FTP client solutions for the Windows operating system. It’s a simple, open-source solution that makes downloading, uploading, and editing files easy. With the files on your computer on one side, and your server’s files on th...
FTP Disk is a powerful FTP client software that allows you to connect to FTP servers, navigate thru directories, create files and folders, download and upload files, modify text files with its built-in editor, preview pictures and change permissions.
Fixes an issue in which a Java-based or native C-based FTP client does not establish a passive-mode FTP connection to an IPv4 FTP server by using a dual-mode IPV6 socket. This issue occurs on a computer that is running Windows 7 or Windows Server 2008 R2
Native versions for Mac OS X and Windows.Last releases See more FTP Disk 1.5.3 FTPES support, explicit TLS connection, command + data ports. Possibility to purchase web space from inside the application. FTP Disk 1.5.2 Better server timeout disconnection handling when using FTPS. The toolbar...
A Windows exclusive software, this is only one of the few that works as a great FTP client for Windows 7. As there aren’t many free FTP sites for Windows 7 and older versions, finding ones like CoffeeCup can be a treat. CoffeeCup free FTP software has this unique bookmark tool that ...
Windows 7在工作列上,按一下 [開始],然後按一下[主控台]。 在主控台中,按一下 [程式和功能],然後按一下 [開啟或關閉 Windows 功能]。 展開[Internet Information Services],然後展開 [FTP 伺服器]。 選取[FTP 服務]。 備註 支援ASP。FTP 服務的成員資格驗證或 IIS 管理員驗證,您也必須選取 [FTP 擴充性]...