打开FTP服务器上的文件夹时发生错误。请检查是否有权限访问该文件夹。详细信息:200 TYPE is now ASCII227 Entering Passive Mode (172,26,7,1... Win+Q 搜索Internet选项 点击高级,取消勾选-使用被动FTP
200 TYPE is now ASCII ftp> get startup.cfg back-startup.cfg # 将传输模式设置为binary,并上传文件temp.bin到主用主控板存储介质的根目录下。 ftp> binary 200 TYPE is now 8-bit binary ftp> put temp.bin # 退出FTP。 ftp> bye 1.3.11 FTP服务器典型配置举例(IRF模式) ...
200 TYPE is now ASCII【相关命令】· binary1.2.4 binarybinary命令用来设置文件传输的模式为二进制模式(也称为流模式)。【命令】binary【缺省情况】文件传输模式为二进制模式。【视图】FTP客户端视图【缺省用户角色】network-admin【使用指导】只有成功登录FTP服务器后才能执行此项操作。
< 200 TYPE is now ASCII> LIST< 150 Accepted data connection< drwxr-xr-x 15 wimlibby wimlibby 4096 May 30 11:50 .< drwxr-xr-x 23 wimlibby wimlibby 4096 Mar 10 06:38 ..< drwxr-xr-x 2 wimlibby wimlibby 4096 Apr 28 10:43 bioventus< drwxr-xr-x 2 wimlibby wimlibby 4096 Apr ...
< 200 TYPE is now ASCII> LIST< 150 Accepted data connection< drwxr-xr-x 15 wimlibby wimlibby 4096 May 30 11:50 .< drwxr-xr-x 23 wimlibby wimlibby 4096 Mar 10 06:38 ..< drwxr-xr-x 2 wimlibby wimlibby 4096 Apr 28 10:43 bioventus< drwxr-xr-x 2 wimlibby wimlibby 4096 Apr ...
ftp> ascii 200 TYPE is now ASCII ftp> get config.cfg back-config.cfg # 将传输模式设置为binary,并上传文件temp.bin到交换机上 ftp> binary 200 TYPE is now 8-bit binary ftp> put temp.bin # 退出FTP。 ftp> bye 二、tftp 从本地pc上传文件到交换机 ...
收到 5203 字节,用时 0.01Seconds 346.87Kbytes/sec. ftp>lcdLocal directory now C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator. ftp>put vrpcfg.zip200 Port command okay. 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for vrpcfg.zip. 226 Transfer complete. ftp: 发送 5203 字节,用时 0.01Seconds 346.00Kbytes/sec....
ftp> ascii # 切换为ascii模式 200 Switching to ASCII mode. ftp> bin # 切换为二进制模式,默认登陆就是二进制传输模式 200 Switching to Binary mode.2)关闭和重连ftpftp> close # 断开ftp的连接 Goodbye. ftp> ls # 可以看出,无法显示ftp服务器的文件列表 Not connected. ftp> open 21 # ...
Local directory now C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator. ftp> put abcd.zip 200 Port command okay. 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for vrpcfg.zip. 226 Transfer complete. ftp: 8423 bytes sent in 0.01 seconds, 346.00 Kbytes/sec The user name Administrator is an example, and the ...
215 UNIX Type: L8 Version: BSD-198911 PWD 257 "/jmacro" is current directory. MKD XYIZNWSK 257 MKD command successful. TYPE A 200 Type set to A. PORT 10,11,1,80,18,238 200 PORT command successful. LIST 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for /bin/ls ...