"I didn't for a while and now it comes and goes," he says. "But at the same time, I'll come back to my new place and feel like this is more of a proper apartment." For now, Verhaeg plans to stay in his new place until this fall, when he'll start thinking about moving a...
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NYC, Chicago Partnership Sells 253,838-Sq.-Ft. Distribution Center to Clarion Partners.StrattonKellyNational Real Estate Investor Exclusive Insight
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Recent NYC Leases. Savanna Secures More Than 46,000 Sq. Ft. in Recent NYC Leases.Savanna Secures More Than 46,000 Sq. Ft. in Recent NYC Leases.StrattonKellyNational Real Estate Investor Exclusive Insight
AAR40ft10 6DDBox NYC by (Mainlines) AAR40ft10-6DDBox-NYC.zip - 9 MB Description This an original model and represents the Association of American Railroads standard 10ft 6in interior height 40ft boxcar of the late 1940s and early 1950s with double 6ft wide Youngst...
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Iconic NYC hauntBlue Note Jazz Clubwill become one of the first Manhattan venues to welcome back live audiences this September with its annualBlue Note Jazz Festival, set to take place from June 15th through August 15th. The festival will feature in-person concerts both indoors at the famed Gr...