Need a Surgeon for Bottom Surgery? These Surgeons are highly qualified plastic surgeons and urologists who perform Metoidioplasty and Phalloplasty.
Not all transgender men choose to undergo genital reconstruction surgery, but those who do meet with several choices based on their needs and goals. These genital reconstruction surgeries are often referred to as “lower” or “bottom” surgeries. Here the most common of these procedures are descr...
FTM, MTF and Non-Binary Top Surgery, Facial Surgery, Body Contouring & Bottom Surgery in San Francisco. Bay Area transgender specialist.
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He doesn't want bottom surgery and I always think no need anyway you are already a huge already. All the pictures of my life prior to 3 yrs ago well she is gone and sometimes I just cry because she was such a beautiful person inside and true and loving and its just like a...
Peri-Areolar Top Surgery Peri top surgery is a great option for smaller chested trans men, as well as those with B-sized chests and excellent skin elasticity. During the procedure, an incision is made around the areola, then a larger circular incision is made and the ring of skin and brea...
My top tips to prepare for FTM gender transition surgery! You can help to ensure the successful outcome of any surgeries you have in your gender transition journey if you prepare for gender transition surgery thoroughly. This post will help to ensure that you are ready with everything you need...
RESULTS OF FTM CHEST SURGERY Chest surgery is typically the first surgery that trans men undergo to create the masculine appearance that they identify with. The majority of Dr. Delgado’s patients are very happy with the results that they achieve through top surgery and describe the surgery as ...
I became obsessed with hormone treatment and surgery, with disguising the feminine parts of my body and with ways to disassociate myself from femininity in all manners of expression. I was convinced that when I finally transitioned, and had the acceptance of my friends and family, I would be...
Can chest binding affect my ability to have FTM Top Surgery?“Generally speaking, no. Binding over a long period of time can alter your skin’s natural elasticity, which may have some minor affects on your final cosmetic results.”– Dr. Scott Mosser Even with the right binder product it’...