Lastly, give your body a break: don’t bind 24/7. In fact, don’t bind for more than 8-12 hours at a time. Suppressing dysphoria can’t come at the expense of your health. Even high quality binders can cause bruising. Use the times that you’re not binding to wash and air dry...
I finally feel as though I am as close as I’m able to get to being happy with the transition and my body. I’ve thought about bottom-type surgeries for a decade now and, I’m not feeling open to any of that in my life right this foreseeable moment.I will say, that I decided ...
- cells with 45, X have no Barr body (inactivated X-chromosome) (Females with NO Barr Body)- isochromosome X will also lead to turner syndrome Mosaic Turner Syndrome - 46, XX - some females are mosaic for turner syndrome-> fertilized egg, 46 XX-> mitotic nondisjunction during embryogenesis...
Secondary sex characteristics. 第二性征These are the physical changes in the body that typically appear during puberty. Examples include breast development and growth of facial hair. 这些身体上的变化通常出现在青春期。例如,乳房发育和面部毛发生长 In those identified as male at birth, <abbr title="g...