12.2 忆正FTM Plus固件刷新教程 在更新固件之前要做的还是备份好数据,毕竟还是有风险的,在忆正的官方网站上可以找到目前最新的固件版本是MRV 1.3.3,然后下载好更新工具,忆正的这个固件更新工具比较厉害,可以直接在系统里刷固件而且不用重启。 选择好忆正的SSD后点击Update Firmware 选择要更新的固件文件,这个文件与更新...
MainFirmware:[FTM-300D_MAIN_verXXX(EXP)] SubFirmware •DST:USA/DST:AUS/DST:EXP/DST:EU/DST:CHNversioncoversallcountries SubFirmware:[FTM-300D_SUB_verXXX(ENG)] CAUTION! Besuretoconfirmthemodelandtheversionofyourtransceiverbeforestartingtheupdate. ...
Usethisjackwhenupdatingthefirmware.WhenanewfirmwareupdatefortheFTM- 3100Risavailable,gototheYAESUwebsitetodownloadtheprogrammingdataand updatetheFTM-3100Rtoitsneweststate. CoolingFan FTM-3100ROperatingManual13 BasicOperation TurningtheTransceiverONandOFF 1.ToturnthetransceiverON,pressandhold thePWR/LOCKkey...
inertial navigation system (INS) is excluded for this study because it is unfeasible to send the information of the accelerometer or gyroscope in real time (update rate ≥ 100 Hz) with high energy efficiency. Thirdly, low-stability technologies, such as Bluetooth, might not allow to update in...
In addition, the firmware of the card returns that the chip is not calibrated for FTM. As a consequence, the driver disables FTM responder functionality. Overriding this check, allows us to use the chip as responder and FTM measurements can be presumably performed reliably. At this point, it...
Date: Mon, 30 May 2022 17:42:49 +0200 Subject: [PATCH] some fixes and updates --- api/routes/api.js | 208 +++++++--- api/routes/api2.js | 153 +++++++++- firmware/coffee/coffee.ino | 118 +++++-- firmware/teensy/teensy.ino | 59 ++++-- paypal/get_transactions.py | 21...