整理自Wiki,如何..首先是自带穿盾激光的Federation Cruiser剧情任务,在Rebel Stronghold这个星系(地图上为红点),在这个星系里会遇到一个叛军船坞,发现叛军正在制造旗舰2号,不过没造好,与之
Ancestry- Find the secret sector with the Rock Cruiser. Trivia The name Bulwark is a type of defensive wall, a reference to the Rockman culture of strength. The name Shivan combined with the color scheme of Layout B is a reference to an alien race of the same name in the game Descent:...
If the Door System level changes while a door is being attacked, the dealt damage is remembered and the current maximum and the leftover door strength changes proportionally (e.g. on Hard difficulty level 3 provides 66% door strength increase over level 2). Some examples on Hard difficulty:...